Recent content by SilverHawk

  1. SilverHawk

    "____"? (custom title weirdness)

    May I suggest simply using the word "zone" instead of "forum"?
  2. SilverHawk

    Bug Found

    Ever heard the joke about the patient who says to his doctor, "Doctor! It hurts when I bend my elbow!", and the doctor replies, "Well then, don't bend your elbow."? Either way, it's probably a lot easier for people to just not do this rather than Ace have to go and fix it. But who knows, he...
  3. SilverHawk

    A paper I wrote on Friendship

    I think it's a good message, but frankly, a lot of this is highly redundant (or simply stating the obvious). One such example is: But, all that aside, I do agree with most of what was said.
  4. SilverHawk

    The Mastermind Game

    You could've just read the rules...
  5. SilverHawk

    The Mastermind Game

    How's this for a time? :P
  6. SilverHawk

    The Mastermind Game

    I love when he threatens to destroy outer space. :D
  7. SilverHawk

    Future President

    That's exactly what it is. I remember seeing that interview.
  8. SilverHawk

    Future President

    Reagan was a great president - he did quite a bit to repair the economy after the huge recession in the 70s.
  9. SilverHawk

    Short Story Contest Two

    Unfortunately, this contest is going to be discontinued - both due to lack of judges and lack of member interest. Sorry guys, but there was one submission and one judge - that doesn't make for much of a contest.
  10. SilverHawk

    I had Hell of a Time

    Hey, I'll miss you, buddy. Really, I will. It's been great having you here, and I hope you do well in whatever you do. You'll probably see me around at The Area at some point, as well. Either way, take care. :(
  11. SilverHawk

    [US News] Teachers strike back at students' online pranks

    I'm with the teachers on this one. They're scarce enough as it is, and I think kids should learn to grow up a bit. At that age, they know what they're doing, and they know that it's wrong.
  12. SilverHawk

    Charlie the Unicorn - An Old Classic xD

    An old classic indeed - funny video. :D
  13. SilverHawk

    Pakistan to ban youtube

    Do you mind citing a source for this? Then we can move it over to News.
  14. SilverHawk

    Discussion The 15 Most Annoying Video Game Characters I found this in a link in the article that TH posted. It's hilarious to anyone who's played any of these games.
  15. SilverHawk

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

    If it's confusing, just take out words 3 to 5, then add them back in as a modifier of the first two.