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  1. K

    System Projectile

    Projectile Version 0.2.6 (Beta) Requirements: JassHelper AIDS T32 Linked List Module Optional: Recycle or GroupUtils Description: Projectile is an advanced projectile movement system that can be utilised in maps to produce custom projectile spells and...
  2. K

    Discussion Most efficient and practical way to do projectile on projectile collisions

    Okay I thought I'd make this a discussion since I need as many ideas as possible from people, and I am willing to discuss pros and cons of each idea. I have a projectile system that can handle approximately 100+ projectiles with no visible lag or delay, and my computer is nothing special...
  3. K

    Hoping for a name change..

    Never really thought I'd be doing this, but I was wondering if I could get a pretty small change to my name. Changing: "kenny!" <--- Note the lower case 'k' and exclamation mark. To: "Kenny" <--- Note the upper case 'K' and lack of exclamation mark. Also, no quotation marks. :D...
  4. K

    Help with units not being added to groups correctly.

    So basically: - Unit comes in range of a projectile. - If the unit is not in the group, it is added to the group and an onUnitImpact() method is run. - If the unit is in the group, it is ignored. It is your usual damage group scenario so that a unit does not get damaged twice. I've done it...
  5. K

    Snippet EventResponses

    EventResponses Version 1.0.1 Requirements: - Jass NewGen Documentation & Script: //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~ EventResponses ~~ By kenny! ~~ Version 1.0.1 ~~...
  6. K

    Help with vectors and limiting speed

    So after attempting to use processing, I decided to come back to wc3 and attempt to implement vectors in a projectile system I am making. My question is: Does anyone know how to limit the speed of a projectile that uses vectors to move? I will try to explain it for now, as I can't post...
  7. K

    Cannot save maps with JassHelper 0.A.2.9

    As the title states, since I updated to JassHelper 0.A.2.9 I cannot save my maps. It comes up with the error: Unable to save file 'C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\Test\Pudge Wars Meat Hook [v1.1.0].w3x'. 1. Does anyone else get this error? 2. How do I fix it?
  8. K

    Would anyone find this useful?

    I was sick and tired of writing the same things over and over again for spells that need to store a casting unit, its coordinates, a target unit, its coordinates, the distance between them, the angle between them and all that kind of stuff, so I wrote this: library EventResponses globals...
  9. K

    Dummy Animations + Arc Movement

    Lately I have been mucking around with a projectile system just for kicks. However I am stuck on setting the dummy units animations correctly to get it to face the right angle while moving. To learn more to go this thread. Heres my projectile system so far (Still got heaps to do)...
  10. K

    Spell Pudge Wars Meat Hook Revisited

    Pudge Wars Meat Hook Revisited Version 1.1.2 General Information: After reading over Trollvottel's Pudge Wars Meat Hook, I decided to attempt my own version of the spell to fix some of the bugs and stuff I found with the spell. This is the final product of my work, a totally rewritten script...
  11. K

    [Model Edit Request] Warden Missile

    This is a pretty simple request I hope. All I need is a replica of the Warden, Maiev Missile, however what needs to be edited is the "trail" that it leaves behind. If you move the model really fast, it leaves behind a light blue particle trail. It looks good and all, but when lots of these...
  12. K

    Snippet Linked List Module

    Linked List Module By Kenny Version 3.0.0 Description: This module is a very powerful tool for structs. It enables users to create a linked list using a struct instance as the list itself, allowing for multiple lists in the one struct. It is simple to use and generates a very intuitive and...
  13. K

    Help Learning Linked Lists

    So a while back, we started to see a lot of "black magic" pop up (I'm looking at you Jesus4Lyf :P), and i started wondering if it would be worth learning linked lists, as I am a ridiculously slow learning when it comes to new concepts. Then after making a few spells and stuff, I realised that I...
  14. K

    Ichigo Sketch

    This is probably the first drawing of something I have done in at least 4 years. I just felt like drawing something all of a sudden, so i decided to give it a go, and this is the outcome: The face is a little messed up due to the angle and shadowing in the original picture, and because i...
  15. K

    Relatively Simple Icon Requests

    I am in need of two icons, but i guess you could call them recolors or slight changes to original icons. First Icon: I am in need of this icon to be changed to an active icon with a slight color change. I need it to be darker, as in a darker purple color. Second Icon: The above is just...
  16. K

    Thoughts on New Macbook, or Suitable Alternatives.

    As the title says, what are your thoughts on the new Macbook (not pro). I am not really that computer literate when it goes to all the spec stuff, so i was wondering if you guys could tell me what you think. If you like it, tell me why. If you hate it, do the same, tell me why and maybe tell...
  17. K

    Help with leap type spell that follows unit.

    Basically, i am in need of a way to make it so that the unit that is jumping is moved to the correct location, even if the target moves. For example; Normal: * * * * * * * U T When T moves: * * *...
  18. K

    In need of a way to keep this MUI

    I can't seem to figure out a way to keep this MUI. Basically i need a way to limit the amount of units created by this spell to a certain amount per level. Heres how it works: - Every X distance, unit is created. - Unit is constantly given orders (crappy AI). - Unit eventually dies. However...
  19. K

    Snippet GetUnitWithLowestHp

    A pretty simple little snippet i made for a spell a while ago. What does it do?: This snippet will find the unit with the lowest health within a specified group. The user can determine whether to find the unit with the lowest base health, or the lowest percentage of health. What is its uses...
  20. K

    Terrain Deformation

    Does anyone know how to get them working properly, for instance, i cannot get this to work: call TerrainDeformRipple(<arguments>) I even copied over the BJ functions from other maps and still no success. Also, it would be awesome if anyone knew how to make a deformation like the ones...