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  1. sunshinex3

    Discussion Make Make Hero Revive fast If it has Unique item

    he said give the alters an ability like storm hammers to make things easier on the system
  2. sunshinex3

    Discussion Make Make Hero Revive fast If it has Unique item

    thax to uncle This works: DeathLordArmor Events Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object Conditions And - All (Conditions) are true Conditions ((Target unit of issued order) is A Hero) Equal to True (Issued...
  3. sunshinex3

    Discussion Make Make Hero Revive fast If it has Unique item

    we got a fox and hen across river situation ScourgeLordArmorStart Events Unit - A unit Becomes revivable Conditions ((Revivable Hero) has an item of type Scourge Lord Armor) Equal to True Actions Hero - Make (Owner of (Revivable Hero)) Heroes' revive time...
  4. sunshinex3

    Magic Immunity

    actually relized two diff magic immunity spells one bugged one not i just used dryad spell immunity
  5. sunshinex3

    Magic Immunity

    I just found out that my Magic Immunity Spells don't work with a research requirement. is their a fix to this? like a hidden Magic Immunity Spell that does work with Requirements?
  6. sunshinex3

    Make units uncontrollable

    make it ward and give it locust
  7. sunshinex3

    Damage detection trigger, NOT working

    I am going to put this behind me i guess it's not possible with gui this is what i did it turned out fine. BideActivate Events Unit - A unit Is attacked Conditions ((Attacked unit) has buff Biding (NerubianKing)) Equal to True Actions Set VariableSet...
  8. sunshinex3

    Damage detection trigger, NOT working

    "can't find (triggering unit) takes damage" i think that's why i had to add the custom script library.
  9. sunshinex3

    Damage detection trigger, NOT working

    it didn't fire off it has to be the code i think i did the code tags right?
  10. sunshinex3

    Damage detection trigger, NOT working

    I need to figure out why this isn't working, it fires off when not using the variables and just using a solid number so the second trigger works but when trying to use the bidedamagetaken variable it doesn't work, so im wondering if it is the custom script that is just below that's the problem...
  11. sunshinex3

    Weird Question about MDL Vis

    I am currently animating a model in wc3 MDL Vis, some times when i rotate a bone, it doesn't play out in the animation? More specific: I am animating a Flood Juggernaut from halo 2 for wc3 I am specifically trying to animate the face tendrils during a stand animation. i have 3 edited frames in...
  12. sunshinex3

    Zerg Egg Rally Points system in wc3!!

    Before you trigger create the egg give it negative health regeneration(Shift+Click) then give it the ability rally, and if you want makes it invulnerable. (also obviously make a hatchery building mine was a town hall) (also i wanted my zerg to be bought like mercenaries cuz that's how it is in...
  13. sunshinex3

    Replaced worker mine gold from rally point

    Complete Trigger Allowing Replaced Unit to Use Training or Summoning Units Rally Point. PEON Original GoldWood Copy Events Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit Conditions (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Fel Peon (FelOrc) Actions Set VariableSet...
  14. sunshinex3

    Replaced worker mine gold from rally point

    figured it!!! all you man this works i don't if its what your talking about but i bet its close you did it!!! now that i have this figured out i can finally get the zerg dones to work tooo!!!! thank you so much!!! PEON Original GoldWood Copy Events Unit - A unit Finishes training a...
  15. sunshinex3

    Replaced worker mine gold from rally point

    never seen a flag before let me check that out, i tried this kinda thing with a integer system that didn't pan out. Even Closer Now!!!! your trigger gets gold and wood but if I'm telling the peon to "move to" location it stands there. PEON Original Copy Copy Events Unit - A unit...
  16. sunshinex3

    Replaced worker mine gold from rally point

    do you mean give the peon(unit) an ability that can be toggled on and off and this will be a condition?
  17. sunshinex3

    Replaced worker mine gold from rally point

    damn so close.... the first part work whether it be to right click the destructible or right click gold mine or move to point.... but it never goes past the first and I don't know why... PEON Copy Events Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit Conditions (Unit-type of...
  18. sunshinex3

    Replaced worker mine gold from rally point

    ok but it still saves point as a point, is their a way around that? EDIT: I tried it any way the unit stands next to the gold mine or tree its still counted as a "move to" order PEON Copy Events Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit Conditions (Unit-type of (Trained...
  19. sunshinex3

    Replaced worker mine gold from rally point

    i can get a replaced unit to "move" to original units rally point PEON Events Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit Conditions (Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Fel Peon (FelOrc) Actions If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else...