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  1. B

    item ability problem

    If you're just trying to make a temporary life steal, why not just use the one that's used by the vampiric potion? Saves on triggering...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    The previous test was done with a blademaster, also I am aware that essence is an orb, but it seemed that it was an orb conflict between life steal and incinerate, which is why I picked essence as a test. Anyway, just tried what you said just now and worked fine. Just realised I read the part...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    @dan1lo Couldn't get it to crash? I had Incinerate, Vampiric Aura, Crit Strike and Essence. Picked up killmaim at tier 2 still nothing. It would explain why people report it crashing at around tier 2, since killmaim is usually bought around then, but I can't seem to replicate it. I know...
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    Tooltip Error

    Well, like I said before, never come across this problem before. But at least if you add/remove restore, or disable/enable the ability, the correct gold cost shows up, but the tool tip doesn't change. Don't know if your actual trigger is anything like this test one, but if you level it...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    My comp is too crap for SC2, so I don't even have a copy of it. I might look into it sometime in the future. Lane size is more for 2 heroes, but a hero can still solo it with only little leaks if they pay attention. As I've said before, which you may not have read, this is intended, so that you...
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    Tooltip Error

    Well, from the given trigger in that thread, all he's doing is adding the ability "restore" and then removing it straight away, supposedly it reset's the UI updating the tooltip properly, but I've never heard of it before. You can try give it a shot, just add the two lines in gui below in...
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    Tooltip Error

    You don't need the ":AAns" part. So in your tooltip it should look like <A005,rng1>.
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    Attachment Scaling

    Attachments are scaled to the scaling of the unit they are attached to, provided you tick the "scale attachments" (or something to that effect, it's under the "art" fields near the top) field. IE, bigger unit = bigger attachment. Other than this, I don't think there's another way to do this...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    Well in this case, unbalanced teams will make a more significant difference. Since the only difference between impossible and godlike is the exp rate, the fact that you on the 2 would be getting significantly less would put you at a severe disadvantage. Soloing on a high settings is only...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    Barely have time for myself let alone time for proper development. Not too fond of the skill restrictions idea though.. As for Infernals, fortified armour is irrelevant as tier 4+ all deal chaos damage. Forgot to make a page for Flying Fortress on the wiki, but I'm fairly sure it has a...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    The wiki is still under construction. I know it's slow, but I'm the only one working on it right now and I don't have a whole lot of time... I'll try working on it more and getting the items up soon, but I don't know when it'll be done. Thanks for introducing your friends to this though :)
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    I thought GroupEnum was just a "pick every unit in unit group" action? Don't have time to learn JASS anyway :P @Kojiro Hey there! I'm glad you enjoy playing CHLW :D But unfortunately there is no common channel for CHLW players to gather. I'm not sure if they're even still around, but there's...
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    Buying Hero Abilities as Items

    Engineering upgrade has 4 levels because you have 4 possible dummy slots to replace. Engineering upgrade has nothing to do with icon placement on the UI. Unless you restrict the order in which abilities are chosen, then you could probably change the system a little to have Engineering upgrade...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    I guess I didn't test it properly, but I thought crit and bash didn't place buffs when they proc'd. That's why I was unaware that bash damage splashed. I used ATTACK_TYPE_SPELLS because it is damage from a spell after all. Just use Vampiric Potions if you want life steal. Shrine Tornado...
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    Buying Hero Abilities as Items

    If there was one, the aforementioned links wouldn't have been created. They are the only way to get levelable abilities with hero points and the proper learn icon. The only other way would be the CHA way, but you don't get the learn icon and the level skip requirement.
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    @Sevion You should probably use hotkeys for actives :P makes it easier @roXplosive annihilation add Events Unit - A unit Is attacked Conditions ((Attacking unit) is A Hero) Equal to True (Level of Cold Arrows for (Attacking unit)) Greater than or equal...
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    Buying Hero Abilities as Items

    What you're looking for This may also be what you're looking for
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    I hope you use hotkeys, even if it is just for summoning. I know some abilities have clashing hotkeys, but.. Just pick ones that don't :P Yeah I realise that's the major problem with auto-cast abilites, lack of splash, but like I said, I'm trying to come up with ideas to increase their...
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    What do you mean doesn't cut it? Not fun/interesting/strong enough? Turning off bounty indeed does slow the game down, but puts a stronger focus on the economics of the game. As in, the consistency of summoning, where missing a few income rounds could prove to be a major set back.
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    Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

    Well I knew most of them were more or less useless =p I just needed ideas on what to do with them. I think that Orb of Annihilation is fine, even if it as an orb effect. It gives a decent aoe splash, deals hero damage and gives a decent damage bonus. Searing arrows, I think is more aimed at the...