Recent content by elmstfreddie

  1. E

    How do you take a screenshot in Warcraft?

    [spoiler!][/spoiler!] (take the exclamation marks out of spoiler)
  2. E

    Best Framerate you'd Expect?

    I said 60+, since my computer is crazy leet and Warcraft shouldn't lag... and if it does lag, it's due to the engine being crappy and regardless of what the map is, it's going to lag. That' sthe one thing I found with Warcraft:P
  3. E

    Is this possible? a chance based reincarnation

    if it's a hero, then... event unit dies condition unit is a hero of (your hero type) actions if random integer from 1-100 < (your percentage) then ressurrect triggering unit else do nothing If it's a unit then... event unit dies condition unit is of type (your unit type)...
  4. E

    How to pull units to a line?

    didn't read it, but wouldn't it just be more logical to find the difference in their xs then add it to the unit's x to make it on the line? Only if the line is always vertical though, I suppose.
  5. E

    Save/Load trigger error

    I'm guessing some of those variables don't exist. Did you create variables named... Save SaveCount TempUnit TempItem Code ? Cause you'll need them all. Otherwise, some of the functions could be missing/messed up
  6. E

    Unit dies after elapsed time-Can i do this?and how?

    pick every unit in (units in region) and do actions kill (picked unit) Don't forget to read up on memory leaks :)
  7. E

    3D sounds

    well, you should probably preload the sound before you play it.. :P Anyways, blizzy's function for playing a sound is as follows: function PlaySound takes string soundName returns nothing local sound soundHandle = CreateSound(soundName, false, false, true, 12700, 12700, "") call...
  8. E

    chat events need help

    add the event for every player (in the same trigger), and change Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red))) and do (Actions) to Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching ((Owner of...
  9. E

    3D sounds

    Ah, I see. Well could you post your code that doesn't work so we could maybe just fix it? Could you also specify precisely what is wrong?
  10. E

    How to best do this?

    if/then/else create a unit group, units within y range of z unit pick every unit in the unit group if picked unit = unit x then... do your stuff else... do nadda
  11. E

    3D sounds

    What exactly do you need to know then? How to convert a normal sound to a 3d sound using triggers? How to create a 3d sound? If it's any consolation, this native exists... native CreateSound takes string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean...
  12. E

    Crash Without Error

    Are you sure you you're not setting the unit's max HP to be lower than 0? I would imagine negative HP would crash the game... I know, really lame question, but it has to be asked. Also, maybe it's simply a problem with displaying health bars, just some engine problem that makes the game...
  13. E

    3D sounds

    In the sound editor, you can convert any mp3 to/from being a 3d sound... the only difference from a 3d sound and a normal sound is that the intensity of 3d sounds changes depending on how close you are to the source of the sound. Whereas non-3d sounds will play at the same volume no matter...
  14. E

    With the GUI can you read Chars from a string?

    for every integer a from 1-whatever substring integer a, integer a That will check every letter at a time, and you could even create a new variable like stringthingies[integer a] = substring integer a, integer a kind of thing, so you can check it later, or use another loop to compare it to...
  15. E

    Looking for map testers.

    I added you on MSN.