Recent content by Viktory

  1. V

    Return to Form?

    I also used to be here back in the WC3 days, and I'd like to ask that if you want to help revitalise the site you should get an SSL certificate set up so that you can use HTTPS, because without that web browsers complain (with good reason) when you try to log in
  2. V

    Spells - Making a DotA like Omnislash

    Doesn't Triggering Unit return Casting Unit, so therefore it's laggier to have Triggering unit?
  3. V

    Using Colour Codes

    The truth is, 0=1 1=2 2=3 3=4 4=5 5=6 6=7 7=8 8=9 9=10 till F=16 the formula is (x*y)-1 I know this cos i'm a nerd.