The Helper

December 6th, 1846. Victory Day.

It went by many other names; the beginning of the end, the Eve of the Apocalypse, even Doomsday. Taios called it the Sundering, a term I found extremely fitting.
It was the day the magic died.

Buildings held up by their arcane tethers weakened and toppled as thousands of people died crushed by the very buildings they had wrought from the earth. Wards left unpowered by the absence of ambient magic littered the streets as ethereal landmines. And the people? They went mad and destroyed whatever was left standing.
It was the day we traded a terrible war against a dark warlock for a war against ourselves.

And I am the sole cause of all of this.
I'm intrigued. Make sure there's a damn good reason behind why magic has suddenly vanished from the world, and keep in mind that if it played so big a role in their world (they used it to hold up their buildings and all) that it would be akin to us losing electricity throughout the world; it would be seriously game-changing.