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  1. Scary Nachos

    World Source: Russia to boost navy over U.S. missiles

    MOSCOW - Russia will strengthen its Baltic fleet in response to U.S. plans to deploy Patriot missiles in Poland, Russian state news agency RIA reported on Thursday, citing an unnamed senior navy official. "The surface, underwater and aviation elements of the Baltic Fleet will be strengthened,"...
  2. Scary Nachos

    Report Economy seems to be stuck in neutral

    A few more cities and states moved into recovery in November, according to the latest data, but most areas were still in a "moderating" recession, meaning the situation was still deteriorating, but more slowly, according to Andrew Gledhill, an economist with Moody's “For a lot of...
  3. Scary Nachos

    Sports McGwire lying about steroid use

    McGwire admitted Monday that he used steroids for a decade, including when he hit 70 homers in 1998, but denied Canseco's claims that he injected himself and McGwire with steroids in bathroom stalls. "I've defended Mark, I know a lot of good things about him," Canseco told ESPN 1000 radio in...
  4. Scary Nachos

    Report Analysis: ’09’s terrorists full of fervor, not skill

    WASHINGTON - As terrorist plots against the United States have piled up in recent months, politicians and the news media have sounded the alarm with a riveting message for Americans: Be afraid. Al Qaeda is on the march again, targeting the country from within and without, and your hapless...
  5. Scary Nachos

    Sci/Tech Cell Phone Radiation Could Actually Prevent and Treat Alzheimer's

    Since everyone seems to be arguing over whether or not cell phones cause cancer, no one seems to be paying attention to how the ubiquitous gadgets might be related to other diseases. But that might change following the release of a study from the Florida Alzheimer's Disease Research Center...
  6. Scary Nachos

    Sci/Tech Workers' Tombs Found Near Egypt's Pyramids

    Egyptian archaeologists discovered a new set of tombs belonging to the workers who built the great pyramids, shedding light on how the laborers lived and ate more than 4,000 years ago, the antiquities department said Sunday. The thousands of men who built the last remaining wonder of the...
  7. Scary Nachos

    General Houston now nation's largest city with gay mayor

    HOUSTON - Annise Parker has been sworn in as Houston mayor, officially making her city the nation's largest to be led by an openly gay person. Parker took the oath of office in a private ceremony at City Hall on Saturday, two days before a public inauguration during which she will be sworn in...
  8. Scary Nachos

    Entertainment ‘Avatar’ reaches $1 billion worldwide

    LOS ANGELES - James Cameron’s science-fiction epic “Avatar” had another stellar weekend with $68.3 million domestically, shooting past $1 billion worldwide, only the fifth movie ever to hit that mark. No. 1 for the third-straight weekend, 20th Century Fox’s “Avatar” raised its domestic total to...
  9. Scary Nachos

    World After U.S. men visit, Uganda eyes death for gays

    KAMPALA, Uganda - Last March, three American evangelical Christians, whose teachings about “curing” homosexuals have been widely discredited in the United States, arrived here in Uganda’s capital to give a series of talks. The theme of the event, according to Stephen Langa, its Ugandan...
  10. Scary Nachos

    US News FDR Kept Deadly Disease Secret, New Book Claims

    (Jan. 3) -- It's hardly news that President Franklin D. Roosevelt was not a healthy man as he lead the nation during World War II. But aside from the cardiac problems that the public has known about for years, the authors of a new book argue that he suffered from a deadly form of skin cancer...
  11. Scary Nachos

    Sci/Tech Russia May Send Spacecraft to Deflect Big Asteroid

    MOSCOW (Dec. 30) -- Russia's space agency chief said Wednesday a spacecraft may be dispatched to knock a large asteroid off course and reduce the chances of earth impact, even though U.S. scientists say such a scenario is unlikely. Anatoly Perminov told Golos Rossii radio the space agency would...
  12. Scary Nachos

    Crime Sheriff's Department Patrols World of Warcraft

    (Jan. 1) – Online gaming offers you a new life: new friends, new face, new clothes, new home, new everything. It sounds like a perfect spot for a someone hiding from the law. But not quite perfect. Two weeks ago, an Indiana sheriff's deputy tracked down a fugitive by first locating him in the...
  13. Scary Nachos

    Crime Hacked STOP Signs (Photos)

    While it may be illegal to deface traffic signals for a variety of reasons (violent car crashes), these stop signs feature a clever line or cliché that includes the word stop. They may not be the world's coolest bus stops, but they might make you think twice before rolling through an...
  14. Scary Nachos

    Gene Simmons Sued Over Alleged Shopping Mall Attack

    Kiss bassist, comic book superhero and celebrity playboy Gene Simmons successfully dodged a restraining order on Wednesday only to be smacked by a civil lawsuit on Thursday. TMZ reports that Nathan Marlowe and Cynthia Manzo are suing Simmons over an alleged incident of assault and battery, which...
  15. Scary Nachos

    US News Lost Cat Returns Home With Two Broken Legs

    "If you've lost a pet -- DO NOT GIVE UP!" Cat owner Tracie Steger posted those words of encouragement on Craigslist last month when her pet cat returned home after having been missing for almost two weeks, reports the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times. Giggle-Blizzard is one of Steger's many pets...
  16. Scary Nachos

    US News Tallest Teenager in the World Is 6-Foot-11 at 16 Years Old

    Can you imagine standing face-to-face with Michael Jordan and being able to see the top of the 6-foot-6-inch basketball star's bald head? Or what about having to merely stand on your tip-tops to look 7-foot-1 Shaq in the eye? For 6-foot-11 Marvadene Anderson, that's a reality. At only 16 --...
  17. Scary Nachos

    Crime Woman Lay Dead for Months, Relative Charged

    WILMINGTON, N.C. (Dec. 16) -- A woman was charged Wednesday with keeping the corpse of her elderly mother in their home for months before the body was discovered in the woman's bed. Amy Blanche Stewart, 47, was charged with concealment of death, which is considered a low-level felony in North...
  18. Scary Nachos

    General Veteran BASE Jumper Gets Slammed Against Building

    What differentiates BASE jumping from sky diving is that the former is done from fixed objects, such as buildings or cliffs. (BASE stands for the types of objects from which participants jump -- buildings, antennas, spans and Earth.) So the fall will still kill you, but you have much less time...
  19. Scary Nachos

    General 300 Get Stuck on Disney World Monorail

    LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (Dec. 13) -- A power failure stranded about 300 passengers for a couple hours aboard three monorail trains at Walt Disney World. Bo Jones of the Reedy Creek Fire Department says no one was injured when the monorail system lost power around 1 a.m. Sunday. Jones says...
  20. Scary Nachos

    Environment Huge Iceberg Heads Toward Australia

    (Dec. 9) -- A massive iceberg -- more than twice the size of New York's Manhattan island -- is drifting slowly toward Australia, scientists said Wednesday. The iceberg, measuring 140 square km (54 square miles), cleaved off an ice shelf nearly 10 years ago and had been floating near...