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  1. M

    aspect spell switching cooldown help.

    i've got a hero, she uses aspects of different animals do have different combat abilities. just wondering, how would i go about making this so she has like, flamming arrows and frost arrows, but she has to be auto casting them, the spell cooldown is normal, but to switch from one to the other...
  2. M

    Momentai's Question Thread

    Making an AoS. i'm a noob, problems arise. please help to solve these problems. 1. most important of all my problems. i want a system that switches out runes in three spots around a hero using a dialog system triggered from buying a fake tome from a store. right now i have two runes, one of +1...
  3. M

    IDEAS! you guys love those :) desert life adaptations

    So hey, i'm making a ranged hero and all of her abilities are based off of the adaptations of desert life. i've already got cactus which i plan on using, and some others, but i'm not very fond of them at all. I'm not super looking for spell ideas, just awesome adaptations. but if you really want...
  4. M

    Life Steal troubles

    So i have a spell based on life 'drain', and all that i've done to it was took off all the buffs, put the life and mana steal to 0 and added bonus life drained. but now when i try to cast it on an enemy, it says that i have to cast it on an ally. and when i cast it on allies, it tells me to cast...
  5. M

    "Leaks" using trigger-spells

    So i'm making an AoS with a bunch of trigger spells, but i don't know JASS or GUI or anything like that. just basic triggers. but i've heard people saying sometimes if you aren't using one of those programming languages that you'll have "leaks", which i assume is where the trigger just doesn't...
  6. M

    AoS Hero Selection help

    i'm just not really sure how to go about it. i really enjoy AotZ's way of selection, where you click on the hero model, you see all of the spell icons and a "select this hero" button. but if thats kind of complicated, i can do with a ToB way and just click on the hero to get them. i don't want...
  7. M

    swapping units using a dialog system (little bit more complicated)

    ok, soooo i'm still working on my rune system, and i've decided to make the switching system a way that when a unit clicks a certain button on a shop, he buys a powerless book, the book is deleted from the game (i was having troubles with it spawning under my guy. dialog still spawns) and a...
  8. M

    Fixed unit position around another unit/push spell

    Alright, so i've messed around (very lightly mind you) with the worldedit tool for about 3 years. well i've finally actually started making a map all the way through, but i keep on getting problems with spells because lets face it, i'm a noob. :D anyway, right now i want to have a unit at a...