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  1. E

    mana shield in tower defense units

    hey =) i have a td map and i have an issue with a creep having mana shield. in short, the map has two teams of 3, who can each send creeps to the other team. when the creeps are sent the change ownership to player 11 (for team 1) and player 12 (for team 2). one of the creeps i want to have a...
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    issues building near cliffs

    basicly i have a td map, and around the edges there is a cliff. in some places i can build right next to the cliff (on the lower level i mean) but in other places i have to leave a gap to build. this becomes a pain when building a large maze and then u get stuck becos u cant build next to the...
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    max gold cost of a unit?

    im just wondering if 100k is the max gold that anything can cost? cos i dont want to have to use wood for big units cos i wana use that for something else...
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    what ability base to use for my custom abilities?

    i want to make a custom ability called: Machine Gun Increases attack rate by X percent for Y seconds what ability shud i use a base?
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    hero with a 'tree' model?

    im trying to make a hero that has a tree for the model (dont ask why :P ) but whenever i select any tree from the list of destructables for the model file it comes up as a white tree with no colour at all? any ideas why? thanks in advance
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    dark portal model?

    im sure iv seen it somewhere on world editor before but i cant seem to find it now? the dark portal model that is i know about the undead-campaign demon gate but the actualy dark portal is what im after... anyone know where it can be found?
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    what ability base to use for my custom abilities?

    iv got a few abilities i want to make but im not sure which abilities to use as a base? heres one =) bash - an ability that must be cast which will stun the enemy for 2seconds and deal 20 damage (tried using the bash ability as a base but cant make it have to be cast, just stays as a passive...
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    remove hero str, agi + int???

    just wondering if there is anyway to remove the agi, str and int from a heros UI, and if possible remove it from the hero entirely? i can only seem to set it to 1? i want to have a hero with set hp, damage, mana with no hp or mana regen but the 1 str and 1 int affect the all of them thanks in...
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    massive cinematic trigger problem

    right basicly i have a cinematic that runs at the start of the map to give info on how the map works etc this can be skipped by red if he presses escape the cinematic stops and goes to normal view, and the text is cleared, and no more actions of the cinematic trigger occur. however one of the...
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    windwalk as a pre-learned ability

    i have a custom hero that i want to have the ability windwalk, however i want him to start off with it and not have to learn it, any ideas? thanks in advance
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    move specfici units every X seconds

    basicly my map has 4 players each that has a hero that starts at their own region Y. every X seconds i want each hero to be moved to region Z where they all fight each other, then when your hero dies it is moved back to region Y, then when there is one hero left it is moved back to your region Y...
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    fog of war on some parts of the map

    i want all players to be able to see the whole map, except for one certain region? iv tried playing with the visibility actions but i cant get it to work? any ideas? thanks in advance
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    problem with skipping cinematic

    iv taken a look at previous posts with this sort of problem but none of the repsonses seem to work. basicly at the start of my map there is a short cinematic that gives info on the map etc. now i want this to be skipped if player red presses escape. iv tried this: Cancel cinematic...
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    prevent blocking on tower defense

    how do i set it so that players are unable to block the creeps in? iv seen maps where it prevents you from blocking in but i cant work out how thanks in advance
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    victory trigger not working right?

    i have a trigger that i want to run when a player wins. Red player victory Events Conditions Or - Any (Conditions) are true Conditions blue_player_life Equal to 0 (Player 2 (Blue) slot status) Equal to Has left the game...
  16. E

    hero arena in tower defense?

    i have a basic tower defense that has 4 players who each send creeps to each other and build towers anywhere in their map to defend...bla bla bla same old same old however i want to add a little arena type thing, the basic idea is that all players start with a plain hero and can choose talents...
  17. E

    got a tough problem here =)

    right basicly iv got a creep sending building called 'Spawn Building 1'. Now this has an upgrade ability that will upgrade it to 'Spawn Building 2'. When i click this it upgrades as normal and everything seems to be working fine, and at first glance it does, the building changes to the model i...
  18. E

    Removing Rally Point Icon?

    i want to remove the 'rally point' icon on creep spawning buildings so i can have 12 units to spawn. however im not sure how to. iv read previous posts with lots of responses but i get real confused when i read em all so could some1 who is sure of a way to fix this tell me how to step by step...
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    problems with phoenix and phoenix egg model

    i want a make a tower with the phoenix as its model, iv created a custom building based on the human guard tower and modified the fields i need changed. i have set the art - model file to phoenix, phoenix egg (there is not a model for just phoenix, they seem to be a joint model) but when i...
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    angel model as tower

    iv seen an angel model being used in some maps (like rabbits vs sheep) i want to use it as a model for one of my towers but cant find it in the editor anywhere? anyone know where it is? thanks in advance!