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    Importing Born2Modificate doodads

    Hello, I download the 35mb High Res Expansion Pack... and I am having a hard time importing the doodads. Once I import a .mdx file and use it in my map.. It cannot load the file, and always gives a green-black cube in the map. How do I import the trees and other doodads in my map??!?! :confused:
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    Smooth Jump Effect

    Hello, I need help! I need a smooth jump effect... I have this animations : Jump Initialization Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Jump Actions Unit - Add Crow Form to Jumper Unit -...
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    collision help

    hello, can someone help me? I want a unit when collide with other unit, the other unit is removed.
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    TD stuckup

    I am making a mini-project called Crystal Chaos TD , is a tower defense... Now , I have a builder with the base unit of "peasant", he can build towers but whenever I build a tower , its hp is 50/500 and the peasant can't repair or build the tower to the full life.. The built tower have a...
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    AoS Tuskinii Wars Reloaded

    TUSKINII WARS RELOADED I am starting a new project called "Tuskinii Wars Reloaded", I saw a map from a map name "Tuccini Wars" and downloaded it and it was a noobish map. This is an AoS type map, like DotA you need to destroy the other's base. Something like that. I came up to...