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  1. L

    Lost in the translation

    Hey, I've been passively using the WC3 editor for the past few years, but with the galaxy editor i am completely lost. I've experimented myself and I've read the tutorials, but all in all I'm just not getting it. I couldn't even switch the animations for a marine's attack Does anyone have any...
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    Anyone up for D&D?

    Hey, i've been trying to find a good version of D&D (mines broken... somehow..) Anyways, i'm experienced in Vuens as both DM and player if anyone is up for a game on US East...
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    Black & White

    Sup, this is gonna be fun... :banghead: So what i'm working on is another WC3 version of Black & White. 2 Gods (auto enemies) and 2 pre-converted villages at the base of the god's mountain, and 8 players who can choose to be either settlers or adventurers; Settlers drawing power from the...
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    Economic buildings

    I'm looking for ideas for how an economically based society would fight against a militant and a religious society (and gods and heroes while they're at it). The militant would use brute force, and the religious would use magic and prayer power, but i just cant think of how an economically...
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    Single Target Taunt

    Hey, i need a trigger for a taunt(Spell) for a single target. Its really simple but i cant seem to get it right. Which is killing me cause i've been doing this for so long.
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    XNA Game Studio 2.0

    I wanted to start using this program, but the most experience I've had with programming is WC3 GUI, and i just cant get used to typing rather then selecting. (the reason i couldn't use Jass) Does anyone know a way to make the transition softer, or possibly funner? I've already run through a...
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    Doodads and triggers

    i cant find any better ways to manipulate doodads with triggers (want to create a lightning storm). Anyone know a way i can make a lightning bolt play its lightning animation and then move randomly around an area?
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    WC3 trigger writing

    Hey, i keep wanting to help people with triggers, but i cant get the wc3 trigger format into text on this site, how would i do so?
  9. L

    Changing water Levels

    hey guys, is there any way to change water levels in a trigger? i couldnt find anything in the trigger selection.
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    Stuck in a rut

    I created a trigger to make it so when a unit used a dummy spell, another unit would come up beside it and do a breath of fire infront of it, making it seem like he was doing the damage and it worked well, however now i want to make the damaged based on strength of the unit doing the ability...
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    Day-Night transition

    Im trying to make it so during the day a doodad is a "trashed campfire" and during the night its a normal campfire. however im finding it difficult to do such to a non-destructable doodad. any prescriptions?
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    Mass Move

    Hey everyone, I got a mass move setup for my map. But it only sends up to 12 units. Anyone know any remedies? thx.
  13. L

    Trigger help plz

    Hey im making a map and i cant seem to get this to work. I need it so when a unit is in the region, he gets 1g every 5 seconds. any ideas?
  14. L

    a rage system based of an ability

    Hey ya'll, I wanted to a rage type system like in WoW, But the basic attack is an ability. So i was wondering if anyone knew how to make it so when a unit is hit with the ability the attacker gains mana. Thx yall.
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    Hey everyone, linkoln here. I want it so that my ability, like panda's firebreath, doesent reqire me to choose a target. I need it so when it activates it attomaticly shoots infront of the caster. Anyone have any idea on how to do this? Or know of an ability that already does this?
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    Stopping Control

    Hey, i wanna make it so players cant issue orders to their unit(s), but without completely losing control. Any ideas team?
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    Shifting Boundries

    Hey, how can i move the boundrys around with triggers? I cant seem to find it. thx 4 the help
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    dummy facing wrong way

    for some reason the way he faces is random with each ability. Anyone know any remidy?
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    Potion Trouble

    hey, im having trouble making it so when u pick up a potion item it doesent let u pick up any more. Easy enough but i cant figure it out for some reason.
  20. L

    Snoozing trigger

    hey, im wondering how to make a trigger that makes u sleep and regenerate health. Its based out of an item, and should be about 15 seconds, and can be interupted. Any ideas? thx a bunch