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  1. RockmanderZ


    Hello, I wanna learn creating flash animations but Idk where to download the program to be used? Where can I see it?...
  2. RockmanderZ

    Is it Possible?...

    Is it possible to create a custom unit sound set? If it's possible then can someoene explain how to do it, I'd be very glad..:D
  3. RockmanderZ

    Model Request

    Hello, I need models for my upcoming map, if anyones interested please give me a pm... I really need these models..
  4. RockmanderZ

    Ability Problem

    I was trying to create this ability but I cant figure it out:( It's called Frost Diver it summons an ice on front of the caster maybe 800 range then after a 1 -2 seconds it explodes causing units around 600 AoE of the dummy ice to experience a Frost Nova..
  5. RockmanderZ

    A suggestion for Admiral Proudmoore's Ultimate

    Hi guys, As you can see I'm workin on Admiral Proudmoore as a hero he does have his normal abilities now the only problem is what Ultimate Ability should suit him?..:confused:
  6. RockmanderZ

    Passive with Cooldown?

    I'm just wondering, how can I create a passive ability with a cooldown?.:(
  7. RockmanderZ

    Cross Effect?!

    Hmm, I have a question, oh well a request I think, How do I create a Cross by using a dummy ability, it damages an oppenent in maybe 650AoE but the effect is just a Cross.. I dont know how to work on it's degrees, Integer Loops,...:(
  8. RockmanderZ

    An Ability Like Charge of Darkness

    Hmm, I was wondering on how to create Charge of Darkness..:D But not in Jass?.. So if anyone knows how to do it in GUI then can you post the trigger here? And I want it to damage area of effect... ~Thanks~
  9. RockmanderZ

    Question on Integers, degrees, etc..

    RockmanderZ's Help Thread :) Hello all... I want to ask about the Integer A, degrees.. ,point. Cuz I cant understand how'd they work..
  10. RockmanderZ

    Streak Triggers

    Hello all, I'm creating my AoS map and I'm having problems on how to create a streak sounds, if anyone are willing to create the triggers please do so,:) ~Thanks~