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  1. R

    Hashtables and destructibles

    I have several (~170) destructible gates that I've placed into a hashtable under a set of parent ids that group them, and I want to be able to open these gates through one of two solutions, depending on which will be easier and use less resources (I'd prefer not to have a bunch of if-statements...
  2. R

    Negative gold resource

    I know I can use an integer for this, but I'm not quite sure how to make it work. I'm trying to set a player's gold to negative. And to check every .50 seconds that if they have any money, take it from them and apply it to the negative integer amount. I've tried all sorts of things and can't...
  3. R

    Generate Real value based on timed unit life

    I am allowing players to create units in different regions using an item and I set a Generic expiration timer to 60 seconds for that unit, and for that 60 seconds I want to generate a Real value of +0.05(RealAdd) and add it to another Real value variable (RealTotal) every 1 second, but I want to...
  4. R

    Integer Arrays

    Is there any real benefit to using integer arrays versus creating a variable for each variable?
  5. R

    Change Food Produced by Trigger

    Does anyone know if it is possible to change the Food Produced for a building by Trigger?
  6. R

    Dialogs and Relational Data

    Is there an easy way to store relational data and access it with dialogs? For example, say I wanted to store a list of cars: Is this possible? It seems difficult to try and pull this off with buttons and dialogs if the data changes, and it seems there is no way to pass the information...
  7. R


    I keep getting this error (see attached file) while playing my map, and I can't figure out what exactly is happening. I've got so many triggers it would take weeks to disable one at a time and play for an hour or so (which is usually how long it takes before it occurs) to figure out if it is a...
  8. R

    Multiboard Disappears

    So I've created a multiboard, and I have a dialog that has two buttons that increase and decrease a value and display that value in the dialog. If the value starts at 0, and I go to increase it to 90 by clicking the button 90 times before I can get to 30, it causes my multiboard to disappear...
  9. R

    HOW TO: Tides of Blood Hero Selection Screen?

    How difficult is it to make something like the Tides of Blood Hero Selection screen found here?: I know it had to obviously be made with JASS, but it would be nice to know how it works. Thanks in advance for any help!