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  1. KingJohn

    Animation fails to reset

    Hey guys, I have a spell, which forces the casting unit to perform the "attack" animation, half way through it, its animation speed is reduced to 0 for one second, afterwards it is reset to 100% and the attack happens (with bonus effect and damage and stuff). After one cast of the spell, the...
  2. KingJohn

    Damage Detection System Help

    Hey guys, first of all, NO, I don't want to rebuild "Borrowed Time" from DotA, I rather want some general advice about damage detection, this is just an example. I tried to do a passive ability, which provides for example 10 hp regeneration every time an enemy unit attacks (doesn't matter how...
  3. KingJohn

    Event "A unit dies" doesn't involve exploding units.

    Hey there folks, I have a problem with creep revival. I use the common creep revival system with custom values, made by Tinki3. Everything works fine, but if a creeps dies by a Mortar Team or a Cannon Tower, it explodes (that's what it should do), but obviously doesn't trigger the revival...
  4. KingJohn

    Memory leaks are killing me..

    Okay guys, I'm working for at least 15 hours on that son of a ***** spell, and it won't work. Specifically, it does the first time, but won't every next time, so there must be memory leaks. Unfortunately, I don't know much about them yet, and so I would humbly ask for help. What the spell does...
  5. KingJohn

    Item Carry System

    Hey guys, I would really appreciate if you could help me with my special problem. Assuming, a creep drops an item, which is a sword. A blademaster can pick it up, and the item attributes are granted, for example +6 agility. A healer shall also be able to pick it up, but won't benefit from the...