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  1. Elumork

    Autocast Ability with Locust Help

    I have a priest with the ability locust and with the ability heal. When I remove the locust ability my priest does automatically heal, but with the locust ability the priest doesn't seem to heal. Any possible solution?
  2. Elumork

    Jass Problem with moving unit

    This is my code: globals rect SafePlace endglobals function Trig_SafetyJASS_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean if GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A02D' then return true endif return false endfunction function TimerEnds takes nothing returns nothing...
  3. Elumork

    What happened to hero contest #2

    what happened to hero contest #2? are they still busy with the voting? or are they finished? if they're finished where can I check the final outcome?
  4. Elumork

    Ability Problem (was: There's something wrong and I can't spot it!Help pls!)

    Oky, well the ability works but sometimes it just doesn't work!damn! my ability: the unit dissapears(under ground) the comes back up at the point of ability targeted. Deals damage when going under ground and when coming back up. -It works perfectly, but then sometimes the unit just doesn't...