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  1. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Duell

    *BUMP* Do no one likes escapes? :banghead:This is a really advanced one... i worked so long on it. Pls try it out an comment. :rolleyes:
  2. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Duell

    *Bump* This maps have now a single player mode and i also upadeted lots of thinks!! Check it out pls o_O
  3. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Duell

    @ neckface I uploded some screenshots @neos300 You can't play it single because this is a duel map and you loose lost of fun if you play alone... and also there are loading codes in that i don't want to see manipulated...
  4. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Duell

    @neckface Ok, i made some updates on this map and will test in this day and will take some screenshots and add them. @TheDamien 1. Hm, Spoof is a hack and i dont want people in my map that use them... and i also dont like when people use others account name... Or think they are the best...
  5. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Duell

    BUMP No one like escapes and want to try this? :( I invested so much time in this map...
  6. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Duell

    Hi there, :D I proudly present my newest escape project: Escape Duel. At the moment it's in the Beta phase and i hope for help finding bugs, suggestions for cool thinks to add or thinks i should change etc. So please comment and tell me your opinion. You find the current version of this map as...
  7. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Help

    Sure it is what he want... Triggers like this are used in all escapes you can control slide. Just test it, it's what he want. He slides not instanly turns o_O play one of my maps ... is used this trigger and it's SLIDE ^^ belive me :P @Blood Reaver... I you want that you cant control slide in a...
  8. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Help

    @ omg Darkrae I told you why i dont use unit gorups!!! Just read the post right... Unit Groups leak with time and take performance... Whats your problem Blood Reaver, just take my second slide trigger it works fine and is 100% without leak because it DON'T use unit group, and it also have...
  9. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Help

    Hm, sorry i wasn't online the last days... You are right in my trigger is a bit confusing and also a bit leaky. But AoW_Hun7312 slide trigger is leaky, too. Worked over my trigger and found out to really avoid leak you need to set the Slide Players in other trigger (SlideUnits). Then you dont...
  10. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Help

    No Problem BloodReaver, if you have a problem at making a escape map you can surly ask me :shades: This is my special. And please add "Locust" to enemy units like patrouls to make them unclickable if you dont still have this. This makes escapes a lot more compfortable to play and funnier...
  11. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Help

    Hm, i still made 4 escape maps and i never had a problem with creating a effect at a hero but whatever :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  12. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Help

    @darkrae He want to make a escape map... I don't think he want to create illusions of heros o_O What ever heres the sliding trigger i used for all my escape maps (4) with special effects and custom script to avoid leak. For this example it have 1 slide ground but you can create more and there's...
  13. Kill3rbeast

    Escape Help

    Hi, Blood Reaver To your first question: You should decrase the hero inventory to one slot, don't think in a escape is more needed (That makes it easier). Then make it like this: OpenGate Events Unit - A unit enters InfrontofDoor <gen> Conditions Actions...
  14. Kill3rbeast

    Spin camera around moving unit. How??

    Yep, thats it Ake_Ryu
  15. Kill3rbeast

    Spin camera around moving unit. How??

    Sure i have loocked at the example map!!! It's that what i have allways done, too. A Spining camera around a point. But i need the camera following the unit when it moves!!! Oben your example map, start it and move the bloodmage!! the camera will still circle around the point you set at start...
  16. Kill3rbeast

    Spin camera around moving unit. How??

    Yes and it don't work. Sure the camera rotate thats not the problem. But i want it roatet 10-15 seconds also more then one time 360° and i also want that when i move the unit the rotating camera following the moving unit. In your example the camera rotate still at the point it started when i...
  17. Kill3rbeast

    Spin camera around moving unit. How??

    The spin speed is not interresting at moment ... The problem is: y Y y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y...
  18. Kill3rbeast

    Spin camera around moving unit. How??

    Dont work... The spinning camera dont follow the unit!! Or it do but the unit dont stay in middle of spinning camera. I locked the camera before to the unit and started then the spin trigger...
  19. Kill3rbeast

    Disable Specialeffect Sound

    Hi, I use several special effects in my map. Lots of them are attached to units and runned often. Is there a way to disable the sound of sepcial effects because some of there sounds start to stress after some time. P.S: Dont worry i made the special effecst leakfree with destroy them and...
  20. Kill3rbeast

    Spin camera around moving unit. How??

    Hi, Need help for this. I want a camera that spins around a specific unit. When the unit moves the spining camera should move with him. Kamera - Rotate camera 360.00 degrees around (Position of Runner 0002 <gen>) for Spieler 1 (Rot) over 2.00 seconds When i normal use the Rotate trigger...