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  1. diamondhero5


    Ok, so i figured it out if anyone wants it...I had to make 3 triggers for it. UpgradeAttack is a boolean array variable E: Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -upgradeattack as An exact match Player - Player 2 (Blue) types a chat message containing -upgradeattack as An...
  2. diamondhero5


    Heres my code, I can't get it to keep upgrading though. Events: Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -upgradeattack as An exact match Player - Player 2 (Blue) types a chat message containing -upgradeattack as An exact match etc. Conditions: Actions: If (All Conditions...
  3. diamondhero5


    Ok, so I want to make a system where a player types in a message(such as -autoresearchattack), and his building auto-researches attack until he runs out of gold. This is for footmen frenzy, if you have ever played it.
  4. diamondhero5

    Swap System Help

    Exactly, it shouldn't. Yet it does.
  5. diamondhero5

    Swap System Help

    This is to change the variable Hero2 from player 2's original hero to the hero the hero he got swapped
  6. diamondhero5

    Swap System Help

    In my opinion, this is perfect, but it seems to cause lag. We took this out of the map, and the map didn't lag, but when it was in, the map did. It's not that it lags whenever someone swaps, it makes the lag in general more. This is just part of the trigger, swapping between player 1 and 2...
  7. diamondhero5

    Objects all in importer

    No, they have everything as blp files, all the skills and everything
  8. diamondhero5

    Objects all in importer

    I was looking at a map, and they have all the object data in the import manager. How did they do this?
  9. diamondhero5

    Wierd brown stuff appears on cliffs

    How do i get rid of this wierd brown stuff? Link:
  10. diamondhero5

    Hero Revival System

    Thanks a lot to Furby777, he got it to work! :)
  11. diamondhero5

    Hero Revival System

    that wont work at all
  12. diamondhero5

    Hero Revival System

    Whenever i add that, and i try to test my map, it like crashes my world editor. Is that the trigger exactly? I normally only deal with GUI =/
  13. diamondhero5

    Hero Revival System

    But wont that make it so only 1 hero in the whole game can revive at a time? Other players can have their heroes revive at the same time, just not 2 from the same player.
  14. diamondhero5

    Hero Revival System

    Thanks, but not what i was looking for, read the whole thing please. The trigger needs to only allow 1 hero to revive at a time. So say, Player 1 has 2 heroes, and 1 dies, and 5 seconds later the second dies. The first one revives in 45 seconds from death, but the second would revive 45 seconds...
  15. diamondhero5

    Hero Revival System

    I know there's been a lot of threads about this, and i've looked through them, but I couldn't find what i was looking for. I've been trying to make a hero revival system so that when a hero dies, a countdown timer shows, and then after 45 seconds the hero is revived. The only problem is that...
  16. diamondhero5

    help make trigger more and leak free

    You forgot to change
  17. diamondhero5

    Player Colors in Percentages

    Thank you very much, i got it to work perfectly!
  18. diamondhero5

    Player Colors in Percentages

    Ok, im trying to make a trigger where when a unit enters the map, and its owned by player 1, change the unit's vertex coloring to red. I'm doing this for all colors, but the problem i have is i have to do it in percentages because thats how the action works. I have the player colors in the...