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  1. H

    how to edit the tooltip [Build: Marine]

    In the data editor go to data type "buttons", search for "train marine", and edit the tooltip from there. I don't know what the unit tooltip does...
  2. H

    Requirements: require allied buildings

    Yeah I guess if that's the best way to do it that's what I'll do. I would have liked the editor to have a more user friendly workaround - sharing units and buildings isn't THAT weird of an idea... I got excited when I found the "count object as already made" trigger, but it doesn't work - I...
  3. H

    Requirements: require allied buildings

    In my custom map, all human players are allied with a computer player via the "ally with shared vision, control, and spending" alliance setting. Then whenever a human player constructs a building, a trigger changes the owner of the building to the allied computer. This makes it so all the...
  4. H

    Select units instead of buildings

    Cool thanks.
  5. H

    Unit Max Life = 100,000?

    I can handle that. Thanks for the help.
  6. H

    Unit Max Life = 100,000?

    good point on 2^19 :) The default protoss shields have the same limit, so it would just double the effective life. I'm kind of resigning myself to rebalancing eveything or using triggers to reduce incoming damage by a large percent. Man, I thought the limit in WC3 was annoying, and that was...
  7. H

    Unit Max Life = 100,000?

    Is it possible to give a unit more than 100,000 health in the data editor? In the trigger editor I can set the life to up to 524,288 (how random!) with the UnitSetPropertyFixed action, but I don't think that will work when the data editor has the life set to 100,000. And anyway I'd like to...
  8. H

    Modify baneling to not deal damage when killed

    Yes, but I DO want it to deal damage to buildings with the suicide ability when a typical unit would normally attack. If it is too difficult then I'll just give it a normal attack, but I'd like it to kill buildings with its suicide attack ONLY WHEN the maze is blocked and it has to attack...
  9. H

    Modify baneling to not deal damage when killed

    I want to change the baneling so that when it is killed, it's suicide ability is not triggered. It's for a tower D, and I'd like it to explode when the maze is blocked and it has to attack towers to get through, but I obviously don't want it to destroy towers when the towers kill it...
  10. H

    Select units instead of buildings

    I duplicated a marine to make it into a defensive structure, but when it is built in game, the builder becomes very hard to select. When the player uses a selection box to try and select the builder, it selects the tower and doesn't select the builder. I would like the game to function like a...
  11. H

    Dummycaster isn't MUI?!?

    great +rep all!
  12. H

    Dummycaster isn't MUI?!?

    This trigger is run whenever a certain spell is cast. function Trig_Frag_Grenade_Copy_Actions takes nothing returns nothing local location Temp_Point = GetSpellTargetLoc() local unit dummy call TriggerSleepAction( 2 ) call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll()...
  13. H

    Knockback with wall collision

    That works perfectly for cliffs! But... apparently the terrain is always walkable for doodads/destructibles. I suppose I can set the terrain unwalkable for each point, then walkable when the wall is destroyed, but that's a pain. *sigh* Guess I'd better get on it. + rep, thanks!
  14. H

    Knockback with wall collision

    That's true cleeezzz, but what about ramps? I want the unit to be knocked up and down ramps, too. Also, it's just as big a problem that they can be knocked through gates and walls.
  15. H

    Knockback with wall collision

    Whenever one unit attacks another unit, the attacked unit should be knocked backwards. Right now it works perfectly, but for one problem. Knockback Actual Events Time - Every 0.04 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in...
  16. H

    Is (Killing Unit) Mui?

    No that is not true, unless I am misunderstanding you. This always works, even when 2 units die within 2 seconds: Unit Corpse Removal Events Unit - A unit Dies Conditions Actions Wait 2.00 seconds Unit - Remove (Dying unit) from the game So I...
  17. H

    Is (Killing Unit) Mui?

    Ok, well in the map I am working on right now, I have triggers that work with waits using dying unit, sold unit, attacking unit, attacked unit, and entering unit... so I guess I just assumed killing unit worked too...
  18. H

    Is (Killing Unit) Mui?

    All of the unit things (triggering unit, killing unit, sold unit, etc.) are MUI, so everything will work fine.