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  1. R

    Spell Request Thread [GUI]

    I'm looking for a simple boomerang spell too :P
  2. R

    Fatal Error

    I don't know if the spell that I did is exactly equal to that of DotA. I did based on what I know about the operation of the spell. The spell is based on Infernal from Dreadlord, only change the effects and the summon for a dummy unit, simple.
  3. R

    Fatal Error

    But it crashes in spells that don't have triggers, like a copy that I made from the Lina's stun :banghead:
  4. R

    Fatal Error

    My game crashes whenever I use a spell that uses dummy near the end of the map at the bottom, I noticed that just crashes when I use spells with dummy with none model. How I fix this?
  5. R

    Follow Unit

    I have created a spell that summon a scout and I want that this scout follow the caster unit, but how can I make this?
  6. R

    Damage based on life

    And how can I do it with a passive spell?
  7. R

    Damage based on life

    How can I do the unit deals damage based on % of his life?? :banghead:
  8. R


    Not, I want a simple boomerang that goes forward and return to the hero, this spell is very difficult to understand.
  9. R


    How to make a boomerang like boomerangers in GUI? :banghead: