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  1. Z

    Stacking an aura with itself

    I think i will try Magentix's method for now. i did try that, but then the aura also stacked with itself, making it too powerful
  2. Z

    Stacking an aura with itself

    I'm trying to make an aura ability out of command aura. the idea is that, the more enemies with the aura there is nearby, the less damage you do. I know that you can stack auras by giving them diffend buffs, but i need many units to have this aura, so that is not an option. I hope you...
  3. Z

    Starfall plus Tranquility Dummy help

    Starfall works perfect to heal allies (just tested it) You just have to remember to swap "enemy" in "targets Allowed" for Friend. and set the damage to a negative value ofcourse [EDIT] sorry... were a little slow whith that reply
  4. Z

    Archer Wars Class Ideas

    I have some ideas for abilities, you have to find names for the yourself. 1: trow a glaive which is pretty slow, but has a fairly big radius and passes through enemies 2: shoot X arrows in all directions 3: fairly quick arrow that flies farther than a normal arrow. it also leaves a...
  5. Z

    Minigame ideas: post away!

    does the players fight together or versus eachother?
  6. Z

    Icons are reverse! HELP!

    Varines solution would still work
  7. Z

    MUI-GUI activated ability

    Thanks alot, i finally made it work. rep to you both ^^
  8. Z

    MUI-GUI activated ability

    How am i supposed to do that?
  9. Z

    MUI-GUI activated ability

    i'm sorry to say this, but i dosen't work. i have heard something about Custom Script: local group udg_tmpUnitGroup aint working in "pick every ** in ** and do"
  10. Z

    Remove/restrict attack?

    if your auto-cast ability cost more than 1 mana, it could very well stop using it without reaching zero mana
  11. Z

    Learning World Editor

    you just do something like this: Quests Events Map initialization Conditions Actions Quest - Create a Optional quest titled Credits with the description Thanks to Zukmar fo..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\WorldEditUI\Editor-Random-Unit.blp
  12. Z

    MUI-GUI activated ability

    That is wrong, it does effect the whole selection, as the units have been picked from the unit group before i destroy it. the problem is, that my units don't loose the invisibility and shadow meld after the wait (everything after the "wait"). i know whad causes this, but i cant find out a way...
  13. Z

    MUI-GUI activated ability

    I reference to the casting unit through unit groups because it otherwise only affects one of the targeted units the Perma Invisi thing is an error that occured, because i messed around whit the triggers before copying it in here. and i apparently forgot to make it right.
  14. Z

    MUI-GUI activated ability

    I have made an ability, that in theory should give the unit using it, an passive ability for a short period. the problem is that it is essential, that a group of units have to be able to use at the same time (with a single click) i have tried quite a few diffend triggers, but this is the...