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  1. L

    WoW Spell Triggering - Immolate

    Wouldn't it be easier to just pick every unit with the buff and periodically deal damage? Like every 3 seconds of game pick every unit with buff Immolate and deal damage? EDIT: Sry this is an really old thread..didn't see it
  2. L

    Tracking created Illusion

    Yeah I was thinking of the same :) ,but how to track it as an illusion created from SPECIFIC spell?That is what I am thinking of...
  3. L

    Tracking created Illusion

    The title says it all...How can I track an Illusion just created from specific spell and set it as a unit variable?I think I know how but I'm just not sure.
  4. L

    Abilities in real life

    Why didn't you put Silence there? :( that would be the best thing from whole Warcraft 3 :)
  5. L

    How to remove this leak?

    OK thatnks for all replies...It should work now..
  6. L

    How to remove this leak?

    Ah sorry for my stupid thread then..but is there a way how to remove it?
  7. L

    How to remove this leak?

    K I realized one think...the trigger doesn't lag,but when multiple units attack the attacked unit then it certainly does.
  8. L

    How to remove this leak?

    Well,I am. EDIT: I did uncheck it,but it still lags like crazy,even if I try to start map in normal warcraft 3
  9. L

    How to remove this leak?

    What?When the hero having this abiliy gets attacked,the game starts lagging like crazy :( ...
  10. L

    How to remove this leak?

    Arcane Instability Events Unit - A unit Is attacked Conditions (Level of Arcane Instability for (Attacked unit)) Greater than 0 (Random integer number between 1 and 100) Less than or equal to 10 Actions Set Temp_Point = (Position of (Attacked unit))...
  11. L

    Passive spell adding X int to max hp

    Is it possible to make a passive spell that gives your hero more max hp based on int?Let's say your hero has 50 int and the ability gives him INT X 2 hp,so he gets 100 hp to max hp.With at least 2 ranks and if possible in GUI...I don't know JASS well :)