Search results

  1. S

    Unit Height

    What's the best way to change a unit's height? Also, can a unit be "lowered" into the ground by changing height negatively?
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    Getting Item Abilities

    Is there a function that can get the abilities on an item?
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    Nulling ItemType

    How do you null an ItemType variable?
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    Extended Inventory System Problems

    Ok.. So I have this Extended Inventory System that I made myself (in GUI, as you will see). It has 21 items (An "Inventory (6)" and "Equipment(15)"). Most of it works, there're just a few problems with nulling, and exiting loops. So, what I did was, I used 4 variables (1 for storing item types...
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    Stupid WE

    I'm baffled by this... It seems World Editor glitched or something... Anyway, 2 problems..... 1) When I remove all items from a hero, (AKA Remove item 1, remove item 2, etc) it removes all but the first item, the first item gets dropped. 2) (completely unrelated to 1)) On red, this...
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    Wrong Event for "Used" item

    I need an event to detect when I "Left click on this item" Apparently, "a unit uses an item" doesn't work; maybe it's because I made it an active item with no ability or something? How can I fix the item (without recreating it) or fix the event?
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    Alternative Activation

    Is there a way to detect that the user like left clicks an item that doesn't have "Left Click to Use"? If not, can you make items be "Left Click to Use"? And if not that either, does the game use 2 items at once if they're under the same base?
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    Disabling Icon "usage"

    On certain spells, when you use them, they have the green border type thing, indicating that they're in use, is there anyway to take that border off?
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    Calling Functions

    Is there a way to set functions equal to variables, or calling them specifically to an object?
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    Hero Name Change

    Is there a function that allows the user to change the name of a hero?
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    SubString Position Questions

    I'm so confused with strings.. Switching the characters in a returned save code is confusing me so bad. First question: Is the 'c' in the string "abcdefg" == SubString("abcdefg", 2 , 3)?
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    Rearranging String Characters

    Is there an efficient way (like using loops) to switch string characters so they're much easier to fix and all work the same so that they don't conflict with each other? i.e. string "ABCDEF" --> "FCEBDA"
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    String Coloring function Failing

    I made a function to color an inputted string (for a save/load code) and I don't think it's returning a value, and if it is, the value is "". It's supposed to color every character of an inputted string depending on the character type (i.e. numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters...
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    Coloring String Characters

    When saving in RPGs, most of the good ones give color to the different types of characters (i.e. uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters), how would you do this?
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    Function isn't finished executing

    I'm thinking there's some infinite loop in my function that encrypts data that needs to be saved (as mentioned by comments). The game doesn't lag, so I actually don't know if it is that, but I can't find anything.. Here's my function: function Encrypt_Hero takes player pl returns string...
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    Item in slot DeTeCTioN

    How do you detect if there is no item in a slot?
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    Get Player Gold/Lumber?

    Is there a function (I'm sure there is) that gets the player's gold and gets the player's lumber?
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    Base 70 to Decimal

    function Base70ToDecimal takes player pl, string s returns integer local string Alphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$^&*?" local string Base70String = s local string output = "" local integer loopinteger = StringLength(s) local integer...
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    Decimal To Base 70 Trigger

    The function below is supposed to convert an integer value into base 70 and show it to the player that types in the value (atleast for now). I have two questions regarding this. 1. Does the trigger actually DO what I want, or did I do it completely wrong? 2. If I call it in a completely...
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    Return Missing DisplayChatMessage?

    The JASS syntax checker says that the line (below) is missing return? call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(),0,0,"Base 70:" + Base70String) What does this actually mean and how do I fix it? P.S. does anyone know of any ACTIVE WC3 map making clan on the West server?