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  1. B

    Size of Buildings

    For some reason I can't find any option that determines the size of buildings. Of course, all buildings are based on units which can be chosen to be a building or not, and a "dimension" wouldn't make sense on a non-unit. So, how do you change the size of a building? (Not scale size, the visual...
  2. B

    Buildings that build themselves

    Is it possible to make it so buildings build themselves, like the undead buildings? Or is it dependent on who builds them? I'm sure this is possible, but I don't know how.
  3. B

    Problem with exponents

    I have been having some problems with exponents. When I try and compile a simple line like: local real d = 3^1.0 It gives an "end of line error". Is this not the proper format for exponents? I'm sure "**" is not correct because it gives an expression error... So, what is the proper...
  4. B

    How to give a player gold/wood

    I thought it would be easy, but for some reason I can't find the function that gives a player gold/wood. Anyone know where it is? Sorry if this is an obvious question...
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    Moving faster than 522 ms

    I was wondering (without changing gameplay constants) how to make a unit move faster than 522ms. Is it possible? I'm sure it is, since many custom spells use dummy units that move much faster than this.
  6. B

    Question(s) About Animation

    I want a base skill that: - Targets a point (not a unit). - Has a customizable projectile art (i.e. both animation and arc). - The projectile impacts the target point (or middle of aoe cursor). In other words, no shockwave. - (preferably) Has an aoe target marker. Channel doesn't create a...
  7. B

    Making Charged Items Stack in Inventory Infinitely

    You are sure you need a trigger for this? For example, in dota, tangos stack infinitely. Is that triggered too? I'm surprised actually.
  8. B

    Making Charged Items Stack in Inventory Infinitely

    I have a quick question; for charged perishable items, how do you make it so if you buy two pairs of the same item (say you buy items in charge intervals of one), the two items combine and make a two charge item, and so on?
  9. B

    Question about Mass Teleport

    Thanks for your help... but there is a little problem. If the caster is stunned during the channeling duration, he will still move after the set duration. Can this be resolved?
  10. B

    Question about Mass Teleport

    I think you misunderstood. I want the caster to be channeling, but I want the target of the spell (the unit or building) to not be immobalized during the channeling process.
  11. B

    Question about Mass Teleport

    Is it possible to make it so the target unit is not frozen during the channeling process? Thanks in advance. Also, if it can't be done, is it doable using a trigger?
  12. B

    Stackability of Similar Buff Placers and Leech Skill

    I have a question regarding buff skills. Say a custom skill (based off of cripple) gives damage to a target unit. And say a different custom skill (also based off of cripple) lowers the movespeed and damage of a target unit. If both skills are cast on the same unit, would they stack, or would...
  13. B

    Quick Question on Channel

    Which option do you have to enable in order to make the icon appear (in a spellbook)? Thanks.
  14. B

    Problem with dummy units

    Screw the BJ's... I just used udg and everything worked perfectly. A lesson on why not to try something new. The problem was that GetLastCreatedUnit() just doesn't work, so replace it with any variable and it works fine.
  15. B

    Problem with dummy units

    In other words you are saying that I need a variable for the dummy unit? I'll try it.
  16. B

    Problem with dummy units

    No, it doesn't require a tech upgrade. Afaik, regeneration doesn't require a tech upgrade anyway. Its bear form that does.
  17. B

    Problem with dummy units

    I am making a skill that deals damage based on current mana, and after you cast it, a dummy unit casts a regeneration skill on the caster. function Trig_ManaCoil_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean if GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A0H5' then return true endif return false endfunction...
  18. B

    Questions about variables

    And yet another question: I have created the variables in the variable editor (select is a group, reciever is a unit). Now: how do I declare them/use them? (There has to be a guide for this somewhere, but the ones I've read so far were not helpful.)
  19. B

    Questions about variables

    Thats what I got out of it (lol). Thanks anyway. New Question: Where is the variable editor?
  20. B

    Questions about variables

    As far as I know, there are four types for variables: integer, real, boolean, and string. So, if I want to save a variable as a unit, or a group, which kind of variable should I use? Thanks in advance. And one more question: can you define a variable to be the value of a local variable...