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  1. C

    Windows/Linux Nuon SDK repackaged & posted on github

    Good news, everyone! I've finally gotten off my ass and cleaned up the version of the Nuon SDK I use to do my development, and set it up to support both Linux and Windows environments. If you're familiar with my Jaguar SDK, this is to the Nuon what that is to the Jaguar: A trivial-to-setup...
  2. C

    Pictures RCA Nuon Player PCB Pictures And Controller Port Hacking

    As discussed on Discord, it looks like the RCA Nuon DVD players have circuitry on their PCBs for Nuon controller ports. However, all the necessary components are unpopulated. I've acquired a DRC480n and a DRC300n, and am working on figuring out what components are needed to add controller ports...
  3. C

    New Nuon Owner

    Kind of spilled the beans on a few other more substantive posts, but I'm happy to say I'm now the owner of a Nuon system and controller. If you've read my posts on AtariAge, you probably already know you're in for a long read here. I like to tell my stories. Been sitting on the sidelines...