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  1. X

    Hero's made with triggers?

    hi i dont know what i have dont but none of the Hero's made with triggers have a hero portrait if u dont know what that is its the little picture of the hero next to his stats anyway its just not there its blank box and if i place u unit and then start the map it has it its so weird plz help me...
  2. X

    Random hero trigger help

    thank you that fixed random seed thing was it tyvm tyvm:shades::shades::shades::shades::shades::shades::shades::):):):):):):D:D:D;);)
  3. X

    Smooth Camera

    hi min not sure if i can remember how to do that but i have a blank map with the triggers for it made u can take a look at if want. if u want u can even use that map i dont care i gave up on it a long time ago :).
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    Random hero trigger help

    hi i have a trigger to set up a random hero chooser this is it Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds conditions actions set Hero = randomhero[(Random integer number between 1 and 23)] ok so that sets the variable then i have this events Unit - A unit enters Region 116 <gen>...
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    Problem With W3

    ummm try downloading the patch off the internet not from the game also is ur copy of war 3 fully legal copy
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    Need a cool name for my map

    hi i have made a map called Left VS Right WARS but i think that name is really dumb and so do other people so plz could any 1 give some suggestions on a new name for my map i will attach a copy of it for you to play or messege me on if u want to play it my name is x_JAYDEN_x or on Garena...
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    if a player leaves give his/her gold to his/her team

    hi umm im about to test it but i dont know if that call custom script is needed because the trigger will reset the variables each time it runs?
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    if a player leaves give his/her gold to his/her team

    hi i want help making a trigger that when a player leaves the game it will give the leaving players gold evenly to the his/her team
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    make unit non-attackable

    hey you could use the make unit invulenrable/vulenrable trigger
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    How do you make an ubersplat slowly glow?

    im not sure what to do but you could make lots of them and make each 1 a bit darker and put 1 wait action then make a darker ubersplat aftwe the wait and so on
  11. X

    Hex/Polymorph and change max. HP?

    heres how to do it in more detail Im sorry if my wording is not perfect as i dont have access to my World Editor Right Now Hope i help:) Trigger 1 event - a unit casts an ability condition - ability being casted equal to (your ability) action - set "CastingHero"...
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    Visibility problems

    nvm i figured it out on my own what u do is if u want the unit to be seen be anybody no matter what check the option art - extended line of sight i just had to uncheck it lol
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    Visibility problems

    no they are units
  14. X

    Visibility problems

    well u know how on a default map for example how u can only see terrain well i can also see the creeps throught the fog like they glow through but i can only see them if i try 2 click on them nothing happens untill they come inside the sight of my hero
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    Visibility problems

    hi i can see the enemy creeps through the fog of war but i dont want how do i fix this
  16. X

    How To Make Units Search the map for a hero

    it works Tyvm ive been trying to get it working for 3 days tyvm +rep
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    How To Make Units Search the map for a hero

    ok im wondering i spawn my creeps on blocks of 20 units will that wrigger wtill work
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    How To Make Units Search the map for a hero

    i cant the heros are made with circles and wisps you know a hero chooser so idk how to tell them to attack
  19. X

    How To Make Units Search the map for a hero

    Well it works in a way but the creeps will walk a bit hen turn around and go back to where they spawned