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  1. H

    What do you think is cool in RPGs

    What do you like in RPGs? Systems, gameplays, terrain, story or heroes?
  2. H

    Modell Crashes WE

    I have dled vertex modifier to make attachments just by deleting some parts of a unit.For example I made a bandit bood, bandit gloves and a bandit shoulder but strangely, when I open it in WE, the map crashes. Throught, I only deleted some geosets, unused bones, attachments points. What could...
  3. H

    WIP Deathlands' ORPG

    Hello there,I always dreamed to make a RPG as I wanted.And,thank Blizz, it's possible with the World Editor. I present you : Deathlands' ORPG Story: One of the Gods,the greatest, has gone mad.Possessed by evils demons.His wrath tore Azeroth apart,leaving only destruction and havoc in...