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  1. E

    HoN spell Pack

    Moon Queen isn't. She has the same abilities and Huntress from dota, which still isn't the Warcraft 3 world.
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    Spell Request (Similar to a Dota ability?)

    Wondering how to make this spell: Phantom Glaive Throws a Glaive, which travels 900 units. The Glaive maims units it pass through, slowing them by 10/15/20/25/30% for 5 seconds. At anytime, the Twinblade can teleport to the location of the Glaive, removing the Glaive. It should move at...
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    On the Importance of the "Z-Factor"

    I agree, I get very sick of playing now days. I played DotA on an Australian Sever (Bored Aussie) for a few years, they held a lot of tournaments and compositions. DotA has the advantage of having literary thousands of variables; even if one player gets "fed" you can usually amount...
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    spells to spawn trees

    Use the action Destrutible - Create 5 Summer Tree Wall at Target Point of (Ability being cast)
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    [WTB] Healing Spell ideas? Community be heard

    Not really "Healing" in a traditional sense, but I have a cool idea. Prayer or Salvation - Passive Every time a nearby allied Hero dies, there is a 25% chance they will be revived instantly. Prayer or Refuge - Passive When a nearby allied Hero reaches less then 10% hp, all nearby allied units...
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    frost/cleave attack for melee/range units, respectively!

    AOE attacks for melee can be down by making their attack type into missile or something I think. You MAY be able to manipulate the damage deal and AOE with upgrades, but I am not sure. Also this prevents it from being MUI or even MPI.
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    Hero Spell Ideas +pics supplied +credits :D

    Here's one for Rockslide Golem. Strength, Melee, Stunner and Summoner. Mud Slide - Active Target Point Creates a Mudslide that pushes units towards Rockslide. Slows enemies and increases the movement speed of allies by 20/30/40/50%. Casting Distance improves every level. (Effect: Say if there...
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    Hero Spell Ideas +pics supplied +credits :D

    Magma Chick, sort of chaser AOE. Agility. Crater - Active AOE Sends a flaming bolt into the ground, creating a crater that emits massive heat. Slows nearby units by 30% and reduces armor by 2/3/4/4 Lasts 12/14/16/18 seconds. AOE: 400/500/600/800 (Effect: Use the doodad Lava Crack and add some...
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    Probably not the place for this. If you want to help people they will post stuff.
  10. E

    priority of an unit

    I THINK the higher the priority, the more likely the unit will be attacked. It is value under Unit - Stats I think. So, give the melee units a priority of, say, 1, and the ranged 2.
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    priority of an unit

    Don't double post ):
  12. E

    [Question]Hardened Skin

    It will only activate once. No, is a simple answer. How it works is like this. Let's say you have two Hardened Skins, with 80% chance to block 5 damage. It will have an 80% chance to block 5 damage, if it DOES block the damage, it will not block anymore, if it doesn't however, it will have a...
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    Drawing a pentagram?

    Do you want the circle as well? Should it all appear slowly, or just the start? And what should appear first?
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    [Hero Ideas] Tubs needs your thinking power ! !

    Archetype: Dmg, chaser Character module: Blademaster Hero name: Swingor the Swiftblade Main attribute: Agility Character type: Slows, damage, chasing, low health Hero difficulty: Medium-Hard Abilities: Outrun - Passive The speed of the Swiftblade is unsurpassable, allowing him to easierly out...
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    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    If you are an Aussie, use US West.
  16. E

    Spell [Ideas]

    Paladin Holy Favor Increases a target units armor by 3/4/5/6 and heals them for 1/2/3/4 every second. Lasts 30 seconds. Persecute Deals 100/125/150 damage to a target unit, each time that unit attacks, it will take an additional 10/20/30 damage. Lasts 12 seconds. Spirit Touch Touches the soul...
  17. E

    simple Spell question

    This is the easiest way. It will give you the desired result.
  18. E

    Passive Ability Help

    Hm, use: Event - Unit Enters Playable Map Area Condition - Unit type of Triggering Unit is equal to HERO is equal to true Action - Add to mr event <gen> the event (Unit - (Triggering unit) Takes damage) This only works if you place the hero in the game, not pre-placed Heroes.