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  1. mikevisoni

    Help with an ability

    tried that XD didnt work =\
  2. mikevisoni

    Help with an ability

    I cant, its already at 0 XD
  3. mikevisoni

    Help with an ability

    Another problem with the rain that I did not mention before (so not your fault ofcourse :)) is that I want the missle to be slow so that the unit has time to dodge it. But there is no missle speed for that
  4. mikevisoni

    Help with an ability

    No rain of chaos doesnt work cause it creates units, rain of fire is bad because its channeled, I want it to be an instant ability that once I target the ground is falls toward that area but I can move and it wont be cancelled.
  5. mikevisoni

    Help with an ability

    seems like that might work, ill try it.
  6. mikevisoni

    Help with an ability

    No changing the missle art simply didnt work, and I dont want to make a unit to throw the boulders I want it to be an ability. Cause the units in the game cant do basic attacks they can only use abilities.
  7. mikevisoni

    Help with an ability

    I want to create an ability where its like a missle flying through the air. Kind of like a catapult fire. Siege type if you may. I want it to be able to target the floor and not units. Maybe make the circle cast thing appear, kinda like flamestrike. So basically all I want is to make an...
  8. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    KK thanx alot for all youe help! :D +rep :thup:
  9. mikevisoni

    X points to win trigger

    Well in this game your a kirby dodging catapult boulders. Along with 10 other kirbys. The goal is to keep dodging until your the last kirby alive. Thats when you recieve the points. Then a new round starts (All this I have done) So I need for the first kirby to survive 5 rounds to be victorious...
  10. mikevisoni

    X points to win trigger

    In my game you need 5 points to win and be victorious. I got my variable SURVIVED (integer), and Its keeping track of points and all. The problem is i cant make a trigger to give someone victory once they get 5 points. So can someone please make me or describe to me how to make a trigger...
  11. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    Hmmm sorry but I dont quite understand, my variable of SURVIVED is already array, and yes everyone can reach 5, but I want the person who reaches 5 first to win, and the event you listed shows SURVIVED reaching 5, but not a specific player who did, and I dont know how to create an action out of...
  12. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    Yeah but it wont be that simple because I dont know if blue would be the one to get 5 points first instead of red, or maybe purple. So how would I change them to fit that?
  13. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    K well I'll try it, but if it does work it would be Event -Value of DESTROYED=5 Condition Action -??? I know it would be along the lines of game - victory, but how do i make it give victory to a certain person just from that event.
  14. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    wont that mess it up being an integer and ruin the points?
  15. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    how do i make it a real?XD
  16. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    OOOOOOOO thanx alot man! what a silly mistake Edit: Another question though, how would I make it so that when you have 5 points, or SURVIVED = 5 for someone will give them victory?
  17. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    Events Unit - A unit Dies Conditions (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to KIRBY Actions Unit Group - Remove (Dying unit) from Kirbys_Remaining Trigger - Run Round fin <gen> (checking conditions) Connects to.... Events Conditions (Number of units in...
  18. mikevisoni

    Collision tag help

    Awesomse thanx for the help, i'll try it! +rep! :D
  19. mikevisoni

    Leader board point adding help

    K so in my game its all about surviving the catapults shooting boulders at you. 11 players all fighting to survive. I made it so that each player has a kirby. I created a unit group variable Kirbys_remaining and when there is only 1 kirby left he gets the point and you need 5 points to win...
  20. mikevisoni

    Collision tag help

    bump? XD!