Snippet AVL Tree


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library AVL /* v1.1.0.4
*   An AVL Tree with a Linked List. The Linked List allows one to loop through all the values
*   in the tree in ascendending or descending order. The tree allows on to search for exact or
*   closest values.
*   An AVL Tree specializes in searches. The balancing algorithm is a little heftier than its
*   counterpart, the red-black tree. However, the heftier balancing ensures minimal iterations when
*   searching for values.
*   Plain value searches are O(1). The AVL Tree uses a hashtable in the background to do
*   extremely fast precise value searches.
*   Close value searches are O(1+log n). The value is first looked up in the hashtable
*   to see if it exists. If it doesn't exist, a close approximiation is looked for. From there, 
*   it looks around that approximiation in the linked list for neighboring values that might be
*   closer. The closer approximation is always at most 1 off from the actual value in the list.
*   */uses/*
*       */ Table /*
*   module AVLTree
*       Interface:
*           method lessThan takes thistype value returns boolean
*           method greaterThan takes thistype value returns boolean
*       readonly thistype tree
*           -   Tree pointer. Accessible from any node on the tree.
*       readonly thistype root
*           -   Root of two children (if root is 0, it's the tree's root)
*       readonly thistype left
*       readonly thistype right
*       readonly thistype down (tree pointer only)
*           -   The tree has only 1 child, the root
*       readonly thistype next
*       readonly thistype prev
*       readonly boolean head
*       readonly thistype value
*           -   Value stored in node
*       static method create takes nothing returns thistype
*       method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
*       method search takes thistype value returns thistype
*           -   Returns the node containing the value
*           -   If the value didn't exist, it will return 0
*       method searchClose takes thistype value, boolean low returns thistype
*           -   Searches for the best match to the value. 
*           -
*           -   Low = True
*           -       Search for the closest value <= to the target value
*           -
*           -   Low = False
*           -       Search for the closest value >= to the target value
*       method has takes thistype value returns boolean
*           -   Returns true if a node contains the value
*       method add takes thistype value returns thistype
*           -   Returns new node containing added value. If the value
*           -   was already in the tree, it returns the node that already
*           -   contained that value.
*       method delete takes nothing returns nothing
*           -   Deletes node
*           ->  Delete the value 15 from the tree if it exists
*           ->  call search(15).delete()
*       method clear takes nothing returns thistype
*           -   Clears the tree of all nodes
*           -   Returns tree pointer (just in case some node in the tree was passed in rather than the tree)
    module AVL
        private static Table array table    //for O(1) searches on specific values
        private static thistype c=0         //instance count
        private static thistype array b     //root
        private static thistype array l     //left
        private static thistype array r     //right
        private static integer array h      //height
        private static thistype array p     //parent
        private static thistype array v     //value
        private static integer array nn     //next node
        private static integer array pn     //prev node
        private static integer array ro     //root
        method operator tree takes nothing returns thistype
            return ro[this]
        method operator root takes nothing returns thistype
            return p[this]
        method operator down takes nothing returns thistype
            return b[this]
        method operator left takes nothing returns thistype
            return l[this]
        method operator right takes nothing returns thistype
            return r[this]
        method operator value takes nothing returns thistype
            return v[this]
        method operator next takes nothing returns thistype
            return nn[this]
        method operator prev takes nothing returns thistype
            return pn[this]
        method operator head takes nothing returns boolean
            return 0==p[this]
        private method getHeight takes nothing returns integer
            //return the bigger leaf height
            if (h[l[this]]>h[r[this]]) then
                return h[l[this]]+1
            return h[r[this]]+1
        private method updateParent takes integer n returns nothing
            //only update the parent of a target leaf if that leaf isn't the original leaf
            if (n!=this) then
                //update the parent point to
                //first leaf
                if (0==p[p[this]]) then
                    set b[p[this]]=n
                elseif (l[p[this]]==this) then
                    set l[p[this]]=n
                    set r[p[this]]=n
                //update the leaf point back
                //if the leaf isn't null, update the leaf's parent
                if (0!=n) then
                    set p[n]=p[this]
        private method finishRotate takes thistype n returns nothing
            //this code is identical in rotateLeft and rotateRight, so it has
            //been abstracted to a method
            call updateParent(n)
            set p[this]=n
            set h[this]=getHeight()
            set h[n]=n.getHeight()
        private method rotateLeft takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype n=r[this]
            set r[this]=l[n]
            set p[l[n]]=this
            set l[n]=this
            call finishRotate(n)
            return n
        private method rotateRight takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype n=l[this]
            set l[this]=r[n]
            set p[r[n]]=this
            set r[n]=this
            call finishRotate(n)
            return n
        //return the difference between the left and right leaf heights
        private method getBalanceFactor takes nothing returns integer
            return h[l[this]]-h[r[this]]
        private static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
            local integer n
            if (0==nn[0]) then
                set n=c+1
                set c=n
                set n=nn[0]     //notice that the recycler uses the next pointer
                                //the reason it is used is for fast clear/destroy and to save
                                //a variable
                set nn[0]=nn[n]
            set l[n]=0          //left leaf
            set r[n]=0          //right leaf
            set b[n]=0          //down leaf (first node of tree)
            set h[n]=1          //height (a node will always have at least a height of 1 for itself)
            return n
        static method create takes nothing returns thistype
            local integer n=allocate()
            set p[n]=0      //the parent of the tree node is 0
            //initialize tree next and prev
            set nn[n]=n
            set pn[n]=n
            //tree value table for O(1) searches on specific values
            set table[n]=Table.create()
            //tree root is itself (allows one to pass any node from the tree into the methods)
            set ro[n]=n
            return n
        //balance from the current node up to the root O(log n)
        //balancing is rotations wherever rotations need to be done
        private method balance takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer f
                exitwhen 0==p[this]
                set h[this]=getHeight()
                set f=getBalanceFactor()
                if (2==f) then
                    if (-1==l[this].getBalanceFactor()) then
                        call l[this].rotateLeft()
                    set this=rotateRight()
                elseif (-2==f) then
                    if (1==r[this].getBalanceFactor()) then
                        call r[this].rotateRight()
                    set this=rotateLeft()
                set this=p[this]
        //goes to the very bottom of a node (for deletion)
        private method getBottom takes nothing returns thistype
            if (0!=r[this]) then
                if (0!=l[this]) then
                    set this=r[this]
                        exitwhen 0==l[this]
                        set this=l[this]
                    return this
                    return r[this]
            elseif (0!=l[this]) then
                return l[this]
            return this
        method search takes thistype val returns thistype
            return table[ro[this]][val]
        method has takes thistype val returns boolean
            return table[ro[this]].has(val)
        method searchClose takes thistype val, boolean low returns thistype
            local thistype n
            //retrieve tree
            set this=ro[this]
            //if tree is empty, return 0
            if (0==b[this]) then
                return 0
            //check to see if the node exists in the tree and return it if it does
            set n=table[this][val]
            if (0!=n) then
                return n
            //perform a standard tree search for the value to the bottom of the tree
            //will always be at most 1 off from the best match
            set this=b[this]
                if (val.lessThan(v[this])) then
                    exitwhen 0==l[this]
                    set this=l[this]
                    exitwhen 0==r[this]
                    set this=r[this]
            //look at the found value's neighbors on the linked list
            if (low) then
                //shift down if greater than
                if (v[this].greaterThan(val)) then
                    set this=prev
                //return 0 if node wasn't found
                if (0==p[this] or v[this].greaterThan(val)) then
                    return 0
                //shift up if less than
                if (v[this].lessThan(val)) then
                    set this=next
                //return 0 if node wasn't found
                if (0==p[this] or v[this].lessThan(val)) then
                    return 0
            return this
        method add takes thistype val returns thistype
            local thistype n
            //check if the tree already has the value in it
            set this=ro[this]
            set n=table[this][val]
            //if the tree doesn't have the value in it, add the value
            if (0==n) then
                set n=this
                set this=allocate()
                set ro[this]=n              //store tree into leaf
                set table[n][val]=this      //store leaf into value table
                set v[this]=val             //store value into leaf
                //if the tree is empty
                if (0==b[n]) then
                    set b[n]=this           //place as first node
                    set p[this]=n           //parent of first node is tree
                    //add to list
                    set nn[this]=n
                    set pn[this]=n
                    set nn[n]=this
                    set pn[n]=this
                    //go to the first node in the tree
                    set n=b[n]
                    //go to the bottom of the tree with search algorithm
                        if (val.lessThan(v[n])) then
                            exitwhen 0==l[n]
                            set n=l[n]
                            exitwhen 0==r[n]
                            set n=r[n]
                    //add leaf to tree
                    set p[this]=n
                    if (val.lessThan(v[n])) then
                        set l[n]=this
                        set r[n]=this
                    //update the height of the parent
                    set h[n]=n.getHeight()
                    //balance from the parent upwards
                    call p[n].balance()
                    //add leaf to list
                    if (v[n].greaterThan(v[this])) then
                        set n=pn[n]
                    set nn[this]=nn[n]
                    set pn[this]=n
                    set pn[nn[n]]=this
                    set nn[n]=this
                return this
            return n
        method delete takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype n
            local thistype y
            //if the leaf to be deleted isn't 0 and the leaf isn't the tree
            if (0 != this and 0 != p[this]) then
                //remove the leaf from the value table
                call table[ro[this]].remove(v[this])
                set n=getBottom()       //retrieve the bottom leaf
                set y=p[n]              //store the parent here for balancing later
                //move the found leaf into the deleted leaf's position
                call n.updateParent(0)
                call updateParent(n)
                if (this!=n) then
                    set l[n]=l[this]
                    set p[l[n]]=n
                    set r[n]=r[this]
                    set p[r[n]]=n
                    set p[n]=p[this]
                    set h[n]=h[this]
                //balance from the found leaf's old parent upwards
                call y.balance()
                //remove deleted leaf from list
                set nn[pn[this]]=nn[this]
                set pn[nn[this]]=pn[this]
                set nn[this]=nn[0]
                set nn[0]=this
        method clear takes nothing returns thistype
            //quick clear
            set this=ro[this]
            set nn[pn[this]]=nn[0]
            set nn[0]=nn[this]
            set nn[this]=this
            set pn[this]=this
            return this
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            //quick destroy
            set this=ro[this]
            set nn[pn[this]]=nn[0]
            set nn[0]=this
            call table[this].destroy()


struct Tester extends array
    private method lessThan takes thistype val returns boolean
        return integer(this)<integer(val)
    private method greaterThan takes thistype val returns boolean
        return integer(this)>integer(val)
    private method difference takes thistype val returns integer
        return integer(this)-integer(val)
    implement AVL
    private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
        local thistype this=create()
        local thistype node1=add(1)
        local thistype node2=add(2)
        local thistype node3=add(3)
        //call clear()
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"               "+I2S(down.value))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"      "+I2S(down.left.value)+"               "+I2S(down.right.value))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"  "+I2S(down.left.left.value)+"      "+I2S(down.left.right.value)+"       "+I2S(down.right.left.value)+"      "+I2S(down.right.right.value))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,I2S(down.left.left.left.value)+"  "+I2S(down.left.left.right.value)+"  "+I2S(down.left.right.left.value)+"  "+I2S(down.left.right.right.value)+"  "+I2S(down.right.left.left.value)+"  "+I2S(down.right.left.right.value)+"  "+I2S(down.right.right.left.value)+"  "+I2S(down.right.right.right.value))
        call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(),0,false,function thistype.init)


struct Tester extends array
    private method lessThan takes thistype val returns boolean
        return integer(this)<integer(val)
    private method greaterThan takes thistype val returns boolean
        return integer(this)>integer(val)
    private method difference takes thistype val returns integer
        return integer(this)-integer(val)
    implement AVL
    private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
        local thistype this=create()
        local thistype s
        local string str=""
        call add(5)
        call add(10)
        call add(15)
        call add(20)
        call add(25)
        call add(30)
        call add(35)
        call add(40)
        call add(45)
        call add(50)
        call add(55)
        call add(60)
        call add(65)
        call add(70)
        call add(75)
            set this=next
            exitwhen head
            if (str=="") then
                set str=I2S(value)
                set str=str+","+I2S(value)
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,str)
        set s = searchClose(22,false)
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"22 High -> "+I2S(s.value))
        set s = searchClose(22,true)
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"22 Low -> "+I2S(s.value))
        call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(),0,false,function thistype.init)


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Ok, since I added a lot of stuff that isn't customary to an AVL Tree, this now has documentation on what it is : P.
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    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
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  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
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    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!

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