Recent content by perkeyone

  1. perkeyone

    Sci/Tech More than 50% of Parents Use Facebook to Spy On Their Kids.

    you guys realize this was produced by the onion right?
  2. perkeyone

    Discussion multiplication by juxtaposition and order of operations

    im editing my op to have the question at the top instead of at the bottom lol if we could get some examples or some links which support a certain order or that describe a set of rules which are unambiguous, especially if specifically describe the case of juxtaposition, that would be great...
  3. perkeyone

    Discussion multiplication by juxtaposition and order of operations

    @ioannes what would you say is the answer to this then? 2y/2y=?
  4. perkeyone

    Discussion multiplication by juxtaposition and order of operations

    from researching the issue i found that different calculators get different answers. casios usually get the answer 1, and ti calculators can get both 1 and 9 depending on the model. (many calculators wont allow you to make the formula that way) they have different rules of precedence @zakyath...
  5. perkeyone

    Discussion multiplication by juxtaposition and order of operations

    im sorry i didnt mean to make it seem as if i had found an answer. i meant for the last 2 quotes to be support for the "jux-first" thinkers. right, so... if someone were rewrite the mnemonic for order of operations (PEMDAS where i live but slightly different in other parts of the world), would...
  6. perkeyone

    Discussion multiplication by juxtaposition and order of operations

    recently, as many of you may already know, several facebook polls have been created featuring ambiguously written equations, such as this one... upon seeing this question, my first reaction was that there couldnt possibly be that many dumb people... i took a moment to calculate it in my head...
  7. perkeyone

    Crime Oklahoma City man had RAPEST tattooed on forehead by attackers

    i dont care how rape you think you are, that man is raper than you. in fact, he is the rapest guy alive.
  8. perkeyone

    World Bin Laden Dead - killed by US Strike Team

    @winterherz that pic is a bad shoop.
  9. perkeyone

    Health Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square.

    dan lol i guess i didnt really think of it until slapshot mentioned alcohol. everyone ive argued with has made some strong thought provoking points which prompted me to do research (albeit not very thorough or scholarly research, just google-ing, youtube-ing and wiki-ing) on the subject i hope...
  10. perkeyone

    Health Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square.

    slapshot136 your alcohol ads example doesnt exactly mesh with the anti-vaccine ads. one is promoting something bad, the other is demoting something good. the negative health implications of alcohol are well documented and fairly well known just as the positive health implications are for...
  11. perkeyone

    Health Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square.

    dan youre right, i was using the wrong word, thanks. honestly i wasnt sure if that was a real word. it is exactly the connotation i intended to convey the cervical cancer vaccine you mentioned is actually an hpv vaccine which reduces risk of cervical cancer. it only protects against 4 strains...
  12. perkeyone

    Health Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square.

    actually, the mercury compound you are referring to, thiomersal, has been, for the most part, phased out of use since 2001, despite the fact that numerous studies found no evidence of toxicity and no causal relationship with autism. this was discussed in the videos which i posted. i highly...
  13. perkeyone

    Health Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square.

    undeadorcjerk, this is not a public service announcement to encourage careful consideration before electing to vaccinate a child... it is an advertisement meant only to attract attention to anti-vaccine propaganda websites with the intention of garnering support and to sell alternative medicine...
  14. perkeyone

    Health Doctors demand the removal of anti-vaccine ad from Times Square. undeadorcjerk it would be kinda like if cigarette companies made advertisements claiming that smoking is good for your health despite all the contrary evidence. i dont think free speech covers that...