Grape - SC2 programming language


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I would like to introduce you to a new project of mine, a new programming language for StarCraft 2.
Before I start telling you about it, I would like to point out that everything here is subject to change and totally WIP. It is not ensured that this project will ever get released at this point.

I'd like to start out saying that Grape was designed with one goal in mind: No Bullshit™.

What does this mean? It means no trying-to-do-everything-at-once. It means no structs, no backwards compatibility, no properties/accessors, no fancy lambda syntax. Just clean, readable code that is as simple as possible:

package grape.sample

import system
import system.collections
import system.utils

// mod_base is a built-in class that provides all the base functions for a SC2 mod
// for example, the user can override main which is run on map initialization
class mod inherits mod_base
	string args

    override void main(string args)
        string[100] args_array = args.split(" ")

        if args_array.null_or_empty
            return exit_code_failure

        foreach string arg in args_array
            if arg.null_or_empty


		// in grape, there are no for loops - I found while loops to be prettier, and more "scripting"-like
		int index = 0
		while index < 10
			index = index + 1

		bool debug_mode_on = false
		bool is_unit_test = false
		switch args_array[0]
			case "debug_mode_on"
				debug_mode_on = true
			case "is_unit_test"
				is_unit_test = true
				// execute default action here
				// this code is run when none of the above cases were handled

	void before_base_initialize()
	void after_base_initialize()

	// Constructors/destructors
	ctor mod()
		init this("")

	ctor mod(string args)
		init base()

		this.args = args

	dctor mod()

As you can see, this language is entirely "verbal" and line-based. The syntax is based partially on Ruby and partially on Lua.

There are also some changes from normal language with OOP "logic". For example, all functions inherited from a base class may be overridden. The only case they may not be overridden, is if a function is declared as sealed. This means that there is no virtual modifier.

This language is also very code completion friendly. So while it may take time to write without any "help", it will take almost no time to write in an IDE.

Speaking of IDEs, this language will have full support in Moonlite, and no support in the StarCraft 2 Editor. In Moonlite, however, the features will be along the lines of full code completion like Visual Studio, Quick Links, navigation, etc., etc.

At this point, I am totally open to suggestions for the syntax. However, I will not change the basics -- suggestions for a bracket language should not be posted and will be ignored.

Here's a list of the features I have planned:
  • OOP: only classes, no enums, structs, interfaces -- only classes
  • all declared functions are overridable unless declared as sealed
  • full integration with Moonlite
  • the built-in Galaxy functions will not be usable except through the stdlib provided with the language.
  • "extensions" for the language will be possible, meaning C# code that processes certain items in the written code at compilation-time will be possible. This will open for a lot of things, such as preprocessing certain pieces of code and most likely debugging in Moonlite.

Any feedback will be appreciated.

PS: Yes, Moonlite is still going on. If you're wondering, v1.0.2.0 will feature a lot of new stuff - along with full Andromeda code completion and generally full Andromeda support. It will be released about the same time as Andromeda v2, most likely.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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I like the idea behind this, it provides a quick debugging language, if I got the jist of it correctly, for testing things when you need something out there and coded without pure efficiency. (I only skimmed it very fast so..)


Super Moderator
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The 'define' keyword seems a bit pointless.

> no properties/accessors
'Simple' is one thing, but some 'features' are almost necessary for coding. :p

Other than that though, I like it. :thup:


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The 'define' keyword seems a bit pointless.

> no properties/accessors
'Simple' is one thing, but some 'features' are almost necessary for coding. :p

Other than that though, I like it. :thup:

Define can be removed, if necessary.
The reason I'm not planning properties is because I want to add stuff along the way. I might add it in like the second release version or something.



New Member
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"define var" is icky. You're using C syntax for function arguments (function main(string args)), and then you bring out some weird Visual Basic-like variable syntax for other stuff. Just keep it all C and we'll be much happier.

class mod inherits mod_base
    override int main(string args)
        string[] args_array = args.split(" ")

        if args_array.empty //Definitely keep that stuff to a minimum
            return exit_code_failure

        foreach arg in args_array //Why declare the var type? The array has the type in it
            if arg.empty
                return exit_code_failure


        //Kinda prefer ruby's block concept:
        args_array.for_each use arg
              game.echo(arg) //Wouldn't say no to "game.echo arg" either!

        // in a real world scenario, this function wouldn't return int
        // the reason for returning int now is to show how to return types
        return exit_code_success

I love the lack of semicolons/required () around ifs.

How is garbage collection going to work? You made a dynamic array.

Can't say much, though I do support a nice language like this as an alternative to Andromeda. Andromeda is nice, but Galaxy is a scripting language and should be written as one.


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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Just do what Vexorian did with vJASS then 95% of the people will be happy. Take Galaxy and extend it as far as possible and keep the gimmicky features that don't really fit into the Galaxy syntax at a minimum.

We don't need a language that can't do anything because it won't help anything, nor do we need the shitty mess Andromeda is. We need something in between and that was what vJASS was for WC3.


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"define var" is icky. You're using C syntax for function arguments (function main(string args)), and then you bring out some weird Visual Basic-like variable syntax for other stuff. Just keep it all C and we'll be much happier.

class mod inherits mod_base
    override int main(string args)
        string[] args_array = args.split(" ")

        if args_array.empty //Definitely keep that stuff to a minimum
            return exit_code_failure

        foreach arg in args_array //Why declare the var type? The array has the type in it
            if arg.empty
                return exit_code_failure


        //Kinda prefer ruby's block concept:
        args_array.for_each use arg
              game.echo(arg) //Wouldn't say no to "game.echo arg" either!

        // in a real world scenario, this function wouldn't return int
        // the reason for returning int now is to show how to return types
        return exit_code_success

I love the lack of semicolons/required () around ifs.

How is garbage collection going to work? You made a dynamic array.

Can't say much, though I do support a nice language like this as an alternative to Andromeda. Andromeda is nice, but Galaxy is a scripting language and should be written as one.

I haven't gotten as far as to garbage collections and stuff like that -- for now I'm only working on the parser.
Due to public demand I have changed the syntax. Check out the new sample in the first post.

Just do what Vexorian did with vJASS then 95% of the people will be happy. Take Galaxy and extend it as far as possible and keep the gimmicky features that don't really fit into the Galaxy syntax at a minimum.

We don't need a language that can't do anything because it won't help anything, nor do we need the shitty mess Andromeda is. We need something in between and that was what vJASS was for WC3.

I fully agree, and it is certainly what I intend to do with this.


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Well of course, it will come without seeds so you can start enjoying Grape the instant you get it!


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Just a little announcement. I'm soon done with the parser - I only need to implement switch statements and the expression parser. Then I can start the code generator.
I also updated the code sample.


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More code samples from the stdlib:
 * Grape stdlib - system package - contains base classes for interop with SC2
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Grape Team. All rights reserved.
 * The Grape programming language and stdlib are released under the BSD license.

package system.collections

// summary: Represents an enumerable collection of items.
abstract class enumerable_base
	// summary: Gets the enumerator_base of this enumerable_base.
	abstract enumerator_base get_enumerator()
 * Grape stdlib - system package - contains base classes for interop with SC2
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Grape Team. All rights reserved.
 * The Grape programming language and stdlib are released under the BSD license.

package system.collections

// summary: Supports a simple iteration over a generic collection.
abstract class enumerator_base
	// summary: Gets the current item in the enumerator_base.
	abstract object get_current()

	// summary: Moves to the next item in the enumerator_base.
	abstract bool move_next()

	// summary: Resets the enumerator_base.
	abstract void reset()
 * Grape stdlib - system package - contains base classes for interop with SC2
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Grape Team. All rights reserved.
 * The Grape programming language and stdlib are released under the BSD license.

package system.collections

// summary: Represents a list of objects that can be accessed by index.
class list inherits enumerable_base
	static int maximum_items = 10000
	private static object[maximum_items] empty_array = new object[0]

	private object[maximum_items] items
	private int size
	private int version
	class enumerator inherits enumerator_base
		private list l
		private int index
		private int version
		private object current

		override void dispose()

		override bool move_next()
			if version == l.version && index < list.size
				current = l.items[index]
				index = index + 1
				return true

			return move_next_rare()

		private bool move_next_rare()
			if version != l.version
				throw new invalid_operation_exception("Unable to move_next. list.enumerator.version and list.enumerator.version.l.version are not equal.")

			index = l.size + 1
			current = null
			return false

		override object get_current()
			return current

		override void reset()
			if version != l.version
				throw new invalid_operation_exception("Unable to move_next. list.enumerator.version and list.enumerator.version.l.version are not equal.")

			index = 0
			current = null

		internal ctor enumerator(list l)
			this.l = l
			index = 0
			version = l.version
			current = null

	enumerator_base get_enumerator()
		return new list.enumerator(this)

	int get_count()
		return size

	int get_capacity()
		return items.length

	void set_capacity(int value)
		if value != items.length
			if value < size
				throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("value")

			if value > 0
				object[value] dest_array = new object[value]
				if size > 0
					items.copy(0, dest_array, 0, size)

				items = dest_array
				items = empty_array

	void add(object item)
		if size == items.length
			ensure_capacity(size + 1)

		size = size + 1
		items[size] = item
		version = version + 1

	void add_range(enumerable collection)
		insert_range(size, collection)

	void clear()
		if size > 0
			items.clear(0, size)

		version = version + 1

	bool contains(object item)
		if item == null
			int j = 0
			while j < size
				if items[j] == null
					return true

				j = j + 1

			return false

		int i = 0
		while i < size
			if item == items[j]
				return true

			i = i + 1

		return false

	private void ensure_capacity(int min)
		if items.length < min
			int capacity = items.length * 2
			if items.length == 0
				capacity = 4

			if capacity < min
				capacity = min


	int index_of(object item)
		return items.index_of(item, 0, size)

	int index_of(object item, int index)
		if index > size
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("index")

		return items.index_of(item, index, size - index)

	int index_of(object item, int index, int count)
		if index > size
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("index")

		if count < 0 || index > size - count
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("count")

		return items.index_of(item, index, count)

	void insert(int index, object item)
		if index > size
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("index")

		if size == items.length
			ensure_capacity(size + 1)

		if index < size
			items.copy(index, items, index + 1, size - index)

		items[index] = item
		size = size + 1
		version = version + 1

	int last_index_of(object item)
		return last_index_of(item, size - 1, size)

	int last_index_of(object item, int index)
		if index >= size
			throw argument_out_of_range_exception("index")

		return last_index_of(item, index, index + 1)

	int last_index_of(object item, int index, int count)
		if size == 0
			return -1

		if index < 0 || index >= size
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("index")

		if count < 0 || count > index + 1
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("count")

		return items.last_index_of(item, index, count)

	bool remove(object item)
		int index = index_of(item)
		if index >= 0
			return true

		return false

	void remove_at(int index)
		if index >= size
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("index")
		size = size - 1
		if index < size
			items.copy(index + 1, items, index, size - index)

		items[size] = null
		version = version + 1

	void remove_range(int index, int count)
		if index < 0
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("index")

		if size - index < count
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("count")

		if count > 0
			size = size - count
			if index < size
				items.copy(index + count, items, index, size - index)

			items.clear(size, count)
			version = version + 1

	ctor list()
		items = empty_array

	ctor list(int capacity)
		if capacity < 0
			throw new argument_out_of_range_exception("capacity")

		items = new object[capacity]
 * Grape stdlib - system package - contains base classes for interop with SC2
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Grape Team. All rights reserved.
 * The Grape programming language and stdlib are released under the BSD license.

package system

// summary: Represents the base class for all classes in grape - it is the ultimate grape base class.
class object
	// summary: Gets this object's unique hash code.
	int get_hash_code()
		return 0

	// summary: Returns a value indicating whether this object instance is equal to the given object.
	bool equals(object other)
		return other == this

	// summary: Returns a string that represents this object instance.
	string to_string()
		return "object"


Staff Member and irregular helper
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Releasing the stdlib under gpl2 seems like a bad idea. I'm not very knowledgeable about the sc2 map format but if it is anything like the wc3 one then using the stdlib in your map might force you to release the map under gpl2 too. A bsd style license might be better for the standard lib.


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Good suggestion, phyrex1an. Changed, and I updated the samples. The samples now parse correctly and a matching AST is generated.


Linux is only free if your time is worthless.
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I do like. Looks better than your first draft. And it's a good thing you decided to keep the return type in the signature where they belong :)


Members, by default, are public?

How are you going to handle memory allocation? I see huge chunks of classes being created:
private object[maximum_items] items;
Since it seems array size doesn't have to be constant I guess you're making your own kind of allocation system that draws from huge chunks of normal memory?

On that note I got some random idea. Since memory is very limited in Sc2 and since Grape's Galaxy code will probably eat a nice bit of it once you start using it excessively, maybe it's a nice idea to implement another keyword for variable declaration: table or extern or something like that. These variables would then be created in the Data Table instead of the usual way. It'd be a bit slower (did some benchmarking with data table read/write and it wasn't all that slow) but you could "externalize" larger arrays variables where speed doesn't matter as much.
At least for native Galaxy var types this might be useful.

We get accessors and/or operator overloading? Or is that already part of the gimmicky features mentioned above?


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Yes, members are public by default - kind of the same "pattern" as all members being overridable by default. I wanted everything to be open to the user.

I have not yet come to the planning of code generation and allocation. I will have to look into Galaxy at that time, but I will first create the parser/syntax checker. One thing at a time ;)
I like your extern suggestion, and it is definitely a possible. However, for now I would like to focus on actually having a release and having it work.

We will not get accessors, as they don't fit into the language. Operator overloading is a possibility, but not in the first few versions.


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I would like to announce that the parser is working properly, and that I have the error checker almost ready -- I only have expression error checking left.
I will be getting help on code generation from serius, who is very good with galaxy, so the generated code should be as smooth and optimized as possible. When code generation is done, an alpha release will be ready.


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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If you keep that syntax then I must sadly say this: Andromeda > Grape even with all the random stupid shit Andromeda has, it's still better than this.


Super Moderator
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All of it.

Galaxy is a brace style language, why don't we keep it that way?
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    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
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    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
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    People love rep, lol

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