Recent content by †ALPHA†

  1. †ALPHA†

    Model File not Working

    Re-download and re-import. Sometimes stuff gets screwy during download. Also, could you post a screenshot of your import manager?
  2. †ALPHA†

    Flame Trap - Trigger Help

    I've been trying to trigger a fire trap but so far haven't found a good solution. I'm using a combination of three triggers to get it done. It works but it can only do damage to one unit who enters the region instead of all of them. In addition, I would prefer if I could get the fire trap...
  3. †ALPHA†

    What Map Are You Going to Create?

    After watching the custom map preview, I wonder if a side-scroller would be possible. With all the work that was put into Galaxy, you can bet that sc2 will be around for a long time...
  4. †ALPHA†

    Special units you expect to see?

    And a Goliath! Some unit variants would be nice too. (As in different looking marines for different factions.)
  5. †ALPHA†

    SC2 Premium Maps...

    I have mixed reactions. It sounds like a fantastic way to encourage quality maps and mods. With the motivation of money available to them, maybe some modders will actually finish their projects.. But it also sounds totally lame. I'm cheap and hate paying for things that I can legally get...
  6. †ALPHA†

    Starcraft 2 - Wings of Liberty Preview

    Giant Protoss thingies with laser eyes! <3
  7. †ALPHA†

    game cache

    There is a tutorial here:
  8. †ALPHA†

    Looking for a LoadingScreen.mdx

    Doesn't Magos's model editor also have a loading screen creator? Link to Magos: Link to Magos tutorial:
  9. †ALPHA†

    Taking Hero from Level to Level

    There is a tutorial here:
  10. †ALPHA†

    Bow Models?

    Whoa. I was editing out the link when you posted... Oh well - glad it helped!
  11. †ALPHA†

    Bow Models?

    The ones on the hive are nice - why can't you use them? A certain russian site has a few... I would link it but I don't know if it violates rules.
  12. †ALPHA†

    SC2 will not provide LAN

    That's what I was trying to say... Yeh, I think that would be a decent alternative for most of us..
  13. †ALPHA†

    A Short Film

    It was pretty damn close if you ask me! :thup:
  14. †ALPHA†

    SC2 will not provide LAN

    I don't know if it's been asked before but I wonder how the fact that sc2 is a trilogy will affect this. As far as I can remember, we were gonna get all three races for multiplayer immediately right? So will the other two expansions/sequels allow you to play with those who just got the first...
  15. †ALPHA†

    A Short Film

    Don't know if any of you guys ever saw this, but the guys over at Starcraft Legacy put this up about a week ago. Watch in HD: