Recent content by Bladito

  1. B

    How to make map smaller (MB)

    thx guys you were right :) I used too many imports :nuts:... I deleted almost all and kept like 5 and it reduced map size from 8.5MB to 400KB :D
  2. B

    How to make map smaller (MB)

    I am creating a TD but only today I realized it has about 8.5 MB, which is quite a lot for a w3 map :D :banghead: Is there a way how to decrease it? Or which features add so much KB to my map?
  3. B

    one-way pathing blocker

    So I solved it (posting it just in case someone else will encounter the same problem :)) I put pathing blocker and 2 regions on a road (order: reg - block - reg) - one region disables collision while another enables it => making it one way blocker
  4. B

    one-way pathing blocker

    thx for your replies :thup: but creating a region which would force creeps in 1 way won't help me much :( too bad one-way blocker doesnt exist :( now I will need to solve blocking with towers
  5. B

    one-way pathing blocker

    Is there a way to make an one-way pathing blocker? (ex. creeps could go from left to right -through blocker- but not from right to left) or any other ways how to gain such effect? In my map I have an island connected to 3 other islands, but if player blocks one way (the one which creeps...