Recent content by ChannelKnark

  1. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    If anyone is looking for a healer on Garena tell me. I have a level 29 cleric with great equipment from dungeon 2. Looking forward for the update!
  2. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    Credit to you guys. I used to work with the Starcraft Broodwar map editor, and once took a look on the Warcraft 3 one to see the difference. Simply said, you can make anything inside the Warcraft 3 engine with right coding. Very highly appreciated, you guys doing all this work. Also thanks...
  3. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    It doesn't matter if the mobs themselves are solo-able or not: if you don't get any experience, you can't level up, and therefor a creeps level being 1 or 10 is irrelevant.
  4. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    The only reason I made a comparison of this map with an external full game was because someone else already made references and associations with MMORPGs as a whole, not because I expected anything. I'm here to provide feedback and opinions, where more or less can be incorrect or...
  5. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    Thats a huge assumption or either bad choice of words - I really enjoy socializing and have no problem with it. I never implied that you should rid the game of its group aspect and turn it all solo, just that there should be a few things you can do yourself - add variation to it, as said...
  6. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    I agree it's different. But lets face it: this map isn't huge enough to provide enough people for enough games to progress in an alright speed. A map is so much smaller than a complete game, and while I agree its a very good ORPG, it can't really compete (in number of players) to other complete...
  7. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    As cleric I have no problem with the first bosses (soloing), and with a decent tank (level 8+) we can run through The Bandits Cave. But lets face it - if I am to fully geek this, I will have to find another geek to tank in the Forgotten Ones cave - I've hosted non-stop for a week this map, and...
  8. C

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    This is probably the best feedback regarding this map ever revealed in this thread. It feels very weird that you require so many players, while the max number of players for one session of a game is 8. It tends to get kind of tedious. Leveling should be solo-able, while dungeons, bosses...