Recent content by cstorm

  1. C

    Get Building Unit Help

    The bolded part is incorrect. There is no "Constructing Unit" choice which is my problem. There is a "Constructing Structure" but that selects the Structure being built. "Triggering Unit" does not select the builder. I need the builder, and There doesn't seem to be a function for that.
  2. C

    Get Building Unit Help

    triggering unit doesn't cover the unit responsible for constructing buildings.
  3. C

    Get Building Unit Help

    - not quite sure what that would help me do since it wouldnt save the builder as a specific unit i can modify.
  4. C

    Get Building Unit Help

    Im trying to set a variable(Unit) to the unit constructing a building. Any help? Clarification- My hero has a build function, how do I set my variable(Unit) to the hero constructing so I can add experience to that unit(Via Variable because their are multiple heroes who can also construct) later.
  5. C

    Is it possible to make auras do this?

    Hi, i've been working on a map for a while now and finally gotten to the heroes. The hero i'm making is a heavy aura using hero, but i felt it slightly overpowered to have a hero that can use 5 different auras at the same time with no cost to him. so i'm wondering if its possible to force the...
  6. C

    Multiple Charge Up Skills

    Im attempting to create a set of abilities that "Charge up" and increase damage every time your hero hits an enemy unit. But without any JASS experience Im going to attempt Only trigger based spells. Im not even sure where to start and what type of ability to use as a dummy ability. If anyone...
  7. C

    Offensive Warcry Help

    wow, haha. For editing for several years Im suprised I didnt know howl of terror was already negative.
  8. C

    Offensive Warcry Help

    I'm not quite sure how to manipulate the ability "Howl of Terror" remove enemy defense instead of add. If i use a negative value the enemy gains the Positive equivalent. Can anyone show me a tutorial on subtracting defense temporarily.
  9. C

    Trigger Based Ability doesnt work with autocast?

    Events Unit - A unit Is attacked Conditions ((Attacked unit) has buff Exploding Arrow ) Equal to True Actions Set AbilitiesPointOriginExplodArro[(Player number of (Owner of (Attacking unit)))] = ((Position of (Attacked unit)) offset by (0.00, 0.00)) Set...
  10. C

    Trigger Based Ability doesnt work with autocast?

    Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Magic Arrow (Level of Magic Arrow for (Casting unit)) Equal to 4 didnt see that did post haha. I dont have a buff yet, but am adding code right now to create a buff.
  11. C

    Trigger Based Ability doesnt work with autocast?

    Hello, I've been working with warcraft 3 editor for a few years now, slowly gotten better, learned how to create some new abilities using triggers ect. But now i've run into a problem with an autocasting-Arrow ability not triggering the AOE implemented using triggers. If the ability auto-casts...
  12. C

    Limit one structure type per region?

    uhhh trigger would be nicer and easier to follow lol
  13. C

    Limit one structure type per region?

    In my map I have region in which you have to build a "Square Holder" to take control of that region. But I dont want people to be able to build another in the region inless the first is destroyed. I dont know how to set up triggers to prevent people from just building another "Square Holder"...
  14. C

    Why doesn't this do anything?

    Still being difficult here's the newest copy of the map, with that triggering it still doesnt change owner...
  15. C

    Why doesn't this do anything?

    Using this trigger would save me from making a trigger for each square?