Recent content by Cyberlemons

  1. C

    RPG hero level question

    Like they were saying earlier about the spells. If you want to go high level, like the RPG i'm working on has a 80 level cap (Was thinking of WoW some reason). Then you would need a lot of levels for each spell, but I usually use Triggers to enhance the spells and add/multiply/divide the stats...
  2. C

    Can't figure out how to do range, or other methods.

    Can't you use Integers? Then all you'd have to do is say for the trigger action is Integer A?
  3. C

    SOTDRP add an abillity

    I can only think of 1 way, since I just got WEU I haven't played around with the commands in that. Other wise i'd guess you go through and have it so if a player says 'criticalstrike. It'll pick out all units you have selected, then add Critical strike. I don't think they did that in SotDRP...
  4. C

    Help with Terrain Changing, like SotDRP

    I have a bit of a problem in my game i'm working on, no matter what I do for the trigger, it ends up not working. It sucks because I don't know JASS as well. I do stuff like, Event - A unit begins the effect of an ability Condition - (Ability being cast) equal to Change Terrain...
  5. C

    Dialog Help

    You know, you could do something else a little bit more fun. You should make a room somewhere on the map, make it so no one can blink in or out. Then once a unit enters the region, it moves them to the room. A counter should activate, name is whatever. Once the counter expires, move all...