Yeah, the whole IDE work flow doesn't really appeal to me. The process I am using right now consists of writing in vim (a terminal text editor) and then compiling via a Makefile. It's way better in my opinion than an IDE, they're too bloated.
// For 2D movement (not including z height):
set velocity = vector.create(0.00,0.00,0.00)
set velocity.x = Cos(Angle) * SpeedPerInterval
set velocity.y = Sin(Angle) * SpeedPerInterval
// For 3D movement:
set velocity = vector.create(0.00,0.00,0.00)
set velocity.x = Sin(Pitch) * Cos(Angle) * SpeedPerInterval
set velocity.y = Sin(Pitch) * Sin(Angle) * SpeedPerInterval
set velocity.z = Cos(Pitch) * SpeedPerInterval