Recent content by dante117

  1. dante117

    Help Converting Legacy WC3 map to SC2

    yea, thats why i need some help filling in what the map editor leaves out
  2. dante117

    Help Converting Legacy WC3 map to SC2

    Hey, is there anyone here that can help me convert a warcraft 3 custom map to the galaxy editor for starcraft 2? when you use the "convert legacy map" it converts the terrain over (for the most part) but not much of anything else. when i originally picked up this map years ago and began...
  3. dante117

    no one can be a observer on my map?

    bump. this forum used to be a lot more active and helpful, no pun intended. can no one help him with his map question?
  4. dante117

    Observer by Default

    i am bumping this because i would like to know as well... im trying to add an observer slot in my game, and want to know if it is possible, even with a game that already has 12 players. can i have a 13th as an observer? can someone change in game to become an observer? i have never used or...
  5. dante117

    Help with 300 map

    i managed to get it down to 1.5MB, i think thats the best im gonna get with whats on the map. thanks guys! :-)
  6. dante117

    Help with 300 map

    do i need to have the map deprotected in order for this to work?
  7. dante117

    Help with 300 map

    thats the file size. and yea, it isnt too big, but its still big enough for an annoyingly slow download for a comparitively simple map.
  8. dante117

    Help with 300 map

    yea, ive already tried both of these programs, and for some reason, they both show errors when i try and use them...
  9. dante117

    Help with 300 map

    im not asking for ppl to host my map. what im looking to do is decrease the .w3x filesize. if i zip or rar it it would be useless to me, because (obviously) you cant play a map in that format. its my belief that the triggers most likely have a lot of redundancies or are otherwise inneficient
  10. dante117

    Help with 300 map

    i have it zipped right now, and its 2.2MB heres the link to the map
  11. dante117

    Help with 300 map

    hey, i was wondering if someone could help with a map ive been workin on. i got everything together and working, but the map is just really big, and i know its because of inefficiencies in the map. ive tried using map programs that consolidate the data, and make the map smaller (aka "protection"...
  12. dante117

    JASS error

    ok, so i got the errors down to just one more. it says : Line 2606: Function redeclared: InitGlobals heres the part of the code its referring to.. //*************************************************************************** //* //* Global Variables //*...
  13. dante117

    JASS Problems in Map (was: please someone help)

    no, i was fixing some errors on a dead map. i dont want to convert them to GUI, or "steal" anything. all i want is the map to work and be fair, fun, and playable.... the map opens fine for me. just incase it was a problem with your .zip i loaded it again without the .zip. sorry bout putting it...
  14. dante117

    JASS Problems in Map (was: please someone help)

    this map has errors in the JASS, and i dont know what to do, i cant save it properly.... please if someone can take a look at this, and get it to compile properly, PLEASE i would be eternally grateful. ive tried everything, i just dont know what to do.. maybe if it were GUI it would be a...
  15. dante117

    map wont save

    yes.... but the game runs fine...its just big and slow. and as for the errors, im working on this map for a friend... can someone please take a look and help me, i have NO idea what to do in JASS... i posted a link to DL it if u want to take a look at it..please. its probobly something...