Recent content by DarkKnightML

  1. D

    Having duplicates of items in the same inventory help

    Well with a little bit of my own intuition I've made this work...and dear god. Well here's my final product if anyone needs any help on this issue as well. <A BUY TRIGGER> Cloak of Archimonde Events Unit - A unit Acquires an item Conditions (Item-type of (Item being...
  2. D

    Spell Request

    I have a death knight hero in one of my maps that uses a strength over time dot, which looks like this <The spell itself> Plague Strike Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Plague Strike DK Actions...
  3. D

    Having duplicates of items in the same inventory help

    So apparently making it so you can't pick up two of the same items out of a group of specific items is a lot harder than I'd thought? Or at least I've been going about it the wrong way for the past few hours. I recently made a system so that you could have only one of four items at one time in...