Recent content by darknony

  1. D

    Fast question: how to do -far, -med and -min?

    Ah i didnt think it would be a trigger i was only looking on the cameras options. Thx for the help i get it now.
  2. D

    Fast question: how to do -far, -med and -min?

    ah the camera editor window i opened seems to aply only to the camera i use with the editor not when i open the map. So yea i geuss that means i was looking at the wrong window. Wheres the game camera window then? Edit: ah nvm i found it in the add camera option. But i didnt see anywhere...
  3. D

    Fast question: how to do -far, -med and -min?

    Well theres tons of windows to edit there and the names of each of them dont help me (like "depth of field falloff end" :confused: ). So what window is the one that makes it closer?
  4. D

    Fast question: how to do -far, -med and -min?

    Im making units small in my map so the ability to set the camera closer will help alot.
  5. D

    One last fix and i finish my map PLEASE HELP HERE

    Amm i think i found the problem but im not sure. When i duplicate the unit i dont get the actor so i go duplicate the actor also. Now this is when it all goes wrong. When i look at the art models of the duplicated actor i see they are all empty. Remember this is when I look at the preview of...
  6. D

    One last fix and i finish my map PLEASE HELP HERE

    Im just trieng to make copys of units here. :banghead: All the online tortorials didnt much help because when i try to place the unit on the field i always get a black spier. When I look at the actors of the unit (i mean i do "preview object") all i get to see is that its a black spier...