Recent content by Disoraptor

  1. D

    Simple question about "call" trigger to fix leaks

    I have a very simple question: Is there any difference between these two? call DestroyGroup (udg_Temp_Group) call DestroyGroup(udg_Temp_Group) One has the spacebar point between the function and variable name while the other doesn't. Does this affect the function at all or not (same goes for...
  2. D

    How do dialogs behave during cinematics/cutscenes?

    The naswer you provided would've been sufficient if only my game wasn't set up a bit more complex... I actually went and delt with this by simply removing the whole dialog solution for resurrection and simply decided that the players have the option to type /res or /resurrect to resurrect their...
  3. D

    How do dialogs behave during cinematics/cutscenes?

    A thing does come to mind here, yes. I have everything set up, gold and leak-free, but I was worried that the dialog might go bye bye and the hero couldn't res. Making a 15 sec checker might help, but that brings other problems (if the dialog wasn't clicked on for more than 15 secs, how would...
  4. D

    How do dialogs behave during cinematics/cutscenes?

    Hello! I'm making a multiplayer based RPG game where, if you die, you get a dialog that gives you two options: wait another 15 seconds to be resurrected by your allies (if after 15 seconds you're still dead, this same dialog will show again) or be resurrected immediately with a gold penalty...
  5. D

    Pure Damage anyone?

    use chaos and universal. That'll do the trick
  6. D

    Deleting Units in Succession

    Hm, I'm currently not on my PC, this one doesn't have WC3 installed. Your spell is flawed for 2 reasons. 1. This spell leaks all over the place. You need to completely renovate the points, else you're gonna have a bad time, especially if you're using other custom made spells that, well, leak as...
  7. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    After three frustrating days I got it working, using a combination of your ideas. I used a 6 level modified tornado ability and applied it to a unit that was attacked by a boss. I implemented a counter (integer array) for each individual playable hero, that kept count of how many times a certain...
  8. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    The post wasn't ignored. I based the spell of the Curse spell as suggested, ended up with 2 rounds of flawless buffs. Thrid round didn't budge in as it should though. I also took note about the last If function always coming in positive, for which i tried turning the trigger around, to going...
  9. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    I literally copy pasted your trigger and what it's done for me is that it applied buffs in correct order, but only once, meaning the units stay paused afterwards, I think it has something to do with the 2nd trigger. Why shouldn't "starts the effect of ability" event be used? Also, buffs are only...
  10. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    Already tried it, even after pausing/unpausing screws up the buff order, in the same way as before. I also made dummy units visible, they didn't cast their spells on anyone else, so the AI instinct doesn't kick in.
  11. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    everything is set to 0.00, doublechecked. The only thing not set to 0.00 is turn rate of the dummy unit, which is (and I can't remember why) set to 0.10. Would that have anything to do with it? I'll try the text thing now, to see which unit is casting which ability and when. See if last part...
  12. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    hm, on a side note (not near my comp atm), would there be a differance if I issued the order before or ater the unpause unit action?
  13. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    sadly not even removing the whole damage unit part together with putting everything under "else" part (so that you get one big column) helps. still starts fine at the beginning, then in the second run applies 2 stacks first, then four and so on, like in the beginning... I even tried running a...
  14. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    1. Remove all the Do Nothings. They literally do nothing, and only exist to be placed in single-action loops. The fact that my trigger contains do nothing lines has nothing to do with the fact that this trigger doesn't work. Thank you for the input though. 2. What's the purpose of Rend_Spike...
  15. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    - Do all the dummys have sight over their target? Always? They do, the area is enclosed and rectangular, they spawn in the middle of it. - is the Range of the curse spells high enough? It is set to 3500, which is 500 more than the dummy is set from the edges of the area. The buffs get aaplied...