Recent content by Elfian

  1. E

    What would cause a dialog trigger to malfunction like this?

    Arrays can't start from 0? Pfahahahhaah, seriously?! Arrays ALWAYS start from 0. Get your shit right. The problem with this piece of code is most likely that you are registering an event to a NULL dialog handle (you are using it in the InitTrig_ before actually = DialogCreate()-ing it). Have a...
  2. E

    Discussion Most efficient and practical way to do projectile on projectile collisions

    EDIT: Apff, never saw this thread was so f... old ;D local integer i = 0 local integer k = 0 loop set i = i + 1 set k = i loop set k = k + 1 if(distance.. projectile[i], projectile[k] bla bla) then collision!! endif exitwhen k == MAX_OBJECTS...
  3. E

    simple Equipment System trigger not working

    //this whole function could be shortened to return (GetItemType(GetManipulatedItem()) == ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT )) function ItemCheckWeaponPermanent_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean if ( not ( GetItemType(GetManipulatedItem()) == ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT ) ) then return false...
  4. E

    Hide Buttons

    Can anyone tell me how can I hide "Attack" , "Move" , "Stop" , "Hold Position" , "Patrol". I'm making a map and I need more space for spells and I don't want to do it with a spell book. :D