Recent content by Escura

  1. Escura

    Help with Shop

    The dragon is meant to have an inventory. I don't really know how to set up a shop like that.
  2. Escura

    Gold Income Trigger

    I was gonna answer this but Avaleirra just beat me too it :D It should work just fine.
  3. Escura

    Help with Shop

    For my current project. I want to make it so Human Hero's and other Human units with an inventory can buy and sell items from the shop. But I want to make it so the players main Hero, Which is a dragon, cannot use shops. Because hey, Why the hell would a Dragon be able to go into a town and...
  4. Escura

    Rescuable units

    I still haven't gotten this working, I can't find the right triggers.
  5. Escura

    Help with transforming hero unit through triggers

    Thanks, I was thinking about something along those lines, but wanted to make sure their wasn't an easier way. I'm assuming that when the new units are created when the old ones die, I can set the new unit to the variable.
  6. Escura

    Help with transforming hero unit through triggers

    Ok, I'm working on some codes that will transform the players main hero when you type the code. But so far I haven't been able to make the code target the Hero. i did it wrong Events Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing Guys... I think I did it wrong. as An...
  7. Escura

    Rescuable units

    I can't seem to figure it out, and the code I whipped up for the time being isn't really working right either. It's just a game I slapped together for me and my friends to lan with as a laugh, so its no big. rescue Events Unit - A unit owned by Player 11 (Dark Green) Is...
  8. Escura

    Rescuable units

    This seems like a really dumb question, but I just still can't find it on my own. The rescueable units can only be rescued by player 1, how do I make it so they can be rescued by the other human players too?
  9. Escura

    Making a neutral to hostile

    This may not help, but in my game, I wanted units to be initially neutral but hostile if attacked, so I made them switch to a different team when attacked. Attack Events Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Passive Is attacked Conditions Actions Unit - Change ownership of...
  10. Escura

    Attack within range.

    Thank you very much again for your patience.
  11. Escura


    Oh my God!! I had no idea you could get rid of that! Marry me!
  12. Escura

    Attack within range.

    I couldn't find the proper triggers in the list.
  13. Escura

    Attack within range.

    I'm pretty sure when I tried that it didn't work.
  14. Escura

    Starcraft 2 Editor - Information List

    Cool stuff, I have been wondering about this for a while.