Recent content by fiskenfisk

  1. F

    Trigger Problem

    Nevermind, found out I wanted it to be "Food Cap" not Food Max ;) Thanks alot. +2rep
  2. F

    Trigger Problem

    Hey folks. I made this Trigger for my upgrade here, when it finishes, it is supposed to give 25 food to whoever uses the upgrade but I can't seem to get it right. Here is the Trigger: Food Upgrade 1 Events Unit - A unit Finishes research Conditions (Researched tech-type)...
  3. F

    Burning Oil - Fiery ground change

    Alright, so I changed "Art - Effect to Freezing Breath", but the ground effect is still the fire, what could be wrong ? Btw. I am changing this in the Buffs/Effects just so you know.
  4. F

    Burning Oil - Fiery ground change

    Ye I figured but don't know what to change
  5. F

    Burning Oil - Fiery ground change

    Hey guys. I made a Tower in my Tower Wars here and I added the ability Burning Oil to it but changed name to Steaming Ground, I want the fiery effect on the ground to be water instead of fire, anyone know how to change this? If it could be changed by GUI Tags that would be cool too;) Thanks.
  6. F

    What is Hashtables?

    Allows you to Save Data of some sort it seems, that's what I can figure out .
  7. F

    Help: Increasing the Sell value of Specific items

    Hey again. I really do think this Trigger is the easiest for him Test Events Unit - A unit Pawns an item (to shop) Conditions (Item-type of (Sold Item)) Equal to Claws of Attack +15 Actions Player - Add 750 to (Triggering player) Current gold...
  8. F

    Color Codes for Towers

    Hey guys. I was wondering something. When I want a spell text or something to get a color I see that it requirs a code like "cffffcc00" which gives yellow, so I was thinking what the other codes for the colors are? If you know any besides this one, please tell me :) Thanks.
  9. F

    Help: Increasing the Sell value of Specific items

    Now when you say it, I did some re-testing with and some random shit, but here it is. Claws of Attack 15 Events Unit - A unit Pawns an item (to shop) Conditions (Item-type of (Sold Item)) Equal to Claws of Attack +15 Actions Floating Text - Create...
  10. F

    Help: Increasing the Sell value of Specific items

    Sounds good :) The Floating Text is easy to do - just make it appear above Triggering Unit with the Yellow color
  11. F

    How to make a shop

    I think to make a Custom Shop, just copy a Marketplace or whatever model you want and simply just take the Tomes of Agi, Str and Int and put those in the Shop, maybe make a +5, +20 and +50 of each and maybe some other tomes in there aswell. This probably require you to make more than one shop...
  12. F

    Help: Increasing the Sell value of Specific items

    Sorry but I have no idea about that :( But I believe there is somewhere. P.S: If you decide to do this, remember you must do it with all items you want to give 75%:)
  13. F

    Help: Increasing the Sell value of Specific items

    I just did some testing here and made this up. Now I am sure there is many other ways to do this but hey, it works. I changed the item so it costs 1000gold that's all I've changed. Claws of Attack 15 Events Unit - A unit Pawns an item (to shop) Conditions (Item-type of...