I mean I don't really like the government. But I would also prefer to have one than... not have any government. Like we need to have police forces and national welfare systems, but I don't think the cop that is pulling you over for speeding is the same cop that should also be responding to active terror events.
I think there's always been a split in values. But now there's a split in what reality is. No matter whom you ask, they think a third of the country is insane and wants to destroy the country
I just don't think Trump actually understands how the government works. I'm not going to pretend like I can understand the entirety of government but in my industry he kind of caused massive fucking issues. Tarriffs and the international counters had a pretty significant impact on what I do, it was actually kind of interesting to see though. I live in Idaho so I'm not really concerned with it, it'll be R pretty much the entire way down. We do have ranked choice on our ballot this year though and I DO really care about that. But if we are going to have a federal government we kind of need income tax. They could abolish it and tax states I guess, but then states are just going to raise income taxes. It's not really viable without a very significant and holistic overhaul of how the federal government works, and that isn't something I would expect Trump to do.