Recent content by Headrushed

  1. H

    A Player's name

    Shows what you know, dude. For every hour our map maker spends making something, we generally spend 2 editing it. If you compare our map makers original "final product" to his "final product" after we started designing, betaing, and balancing for him, 1 got played a total of maybe...20 times...
  2. H

    A Player's name

    Thanks alot both :) I'm actually not the main editor myself, just a humble beta testor/designer, We're just trying to pop out a beta by 12:00 am tonight, (west coast) so, ya, really pressed for time :P
  3. H

    Question for hero pick

    One good way to do this without using triggers is using the "possesion" ability. Makes things pretty neat and easy if you're not using taverns, although you do have to edit the spell so that it can target only heros.
  4. H

    A Player's name

    I'm a fairly novice map maker. I know its fairly impolite of me to come immediately in here, asking for help without so much as an introduction and i only do it because I'm unfortunately pressed for time. My apologies. Recently, my map has been getting more popular, and people have been...