Recent content by Helica

  1. H

    Condition Help!

    Tytytytytytyytyty it works :D
  2. H

    Condition Help!

    Ye I've tried but all i seem to get is "Units owned by player region" :(
  3. H

    Condition Help!

    See now I know how to count the units owned by a player in a region, but what i need is in a specific unit group not all the units owned by the player :(
  4. H

    Condition Help!

    This is a really easy trigger problem that I can't seem to do :( All i need is a Condition which counts the number of units in a spersific unit group owned by specific player. Like (Number of units in (Unit Group owned by Player)) Equal to 0 I know its simple but I just can't seem to get...
  5. H

    Could do with some help on a trigger.

    Changed each item to be on their own and it works thanks hex man ^^
  6. H

    Could do with some help on a trigger.

    Oh well I tried that and it still doesn't work :/. I really don't understand why it doesn't.
  7. H

    Could do with some help on a trigger.

    Sorry i don't really understand. Do you mean use a different interger in each that are equal to 1-6? So a variable for 1, a variable for 2 etc?
  8. H

    Could do with some help on a trigger.

    Hello, I have a really odd problem the trigger bellow is used to summon two seperate units depending on the item used. The first one summons fine but the second doesn't work at all (the items are the same but in different slots that can't be moved). Was wondering if anyone could see where i was...
  9. H

    Player Name Help

    Ah! thanks I worked it out :D
  10. H

    Player Name Help

    Rangerkill Events Unit - A unit enters Region 040 <gen> Conditions ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) controller) Equal to User Actions Game - Display to (All players) the text: (Player name of (Ow... Unit - Kill (Triggering unit)
  11. H

    Player Name Help

    (Player name of (Owner of (Triggering unit))) Didn't work :S
  12. H

    Player Name Help

    Hi wondering how to put a Player Name into a game text. I.E a heros dies "(Player Name of hero that died) was shot down in cold blood by (Player Name of killing hero)" Just wondering how to do it ^^
  13. H

    + Damage For Mana Missing

    Oh yes sorry. A passive that gives + damage for each point of mana missing
  14. H

    Force Staff.

    Urr I don't know jass :s
  15. H

    Force Staff.

    Cool how on earth do I do that...And hello moridin again ^^ ty for your help last time :D