Recent content by Jazradel

  1. J

    need a lot of structs for 1 timer.

    I'm guessing you're using ABC? Best solution would be to use the game cache to attach them. call StoreInteger(cache, I2S(H2I(timer)), I2S(i), struct) cache is a gamecache timer is the timer your attaching it to i is an index, unique for each struct struct is your struct, obviously
  2. J

    [vJass] Struct Destruction

    It will work, but why would you want to do this? local SomeStr ss = SomeStr.create() would produce the same as local SomeStr ss = 0 Anyway.
  3. J

    Finding an Object in 3DS max

    Try the Select by Name button, right next to the Select Object button which should be highlighted by default.
  4. J

    Expected Variable Name?

    These are a few things the normal WE will crash at: Crashes because of forgotten endif's and endloop's When saving a map, with unended loops or if statements, the World Editor (WE) will crash. Invalid integers cause crashes when saving Invalid integer values, for example rawcodes, can cause a...
  5. J

    Making different forces see different models

    You don't need to both doing that with effects do you? I thought you only needed to do the null path thing when you're creating units/trackables/etc. Otherwise soulreaping's idea should work fine. It is mostly safe to create units using the null path thing. It may cause desyncs when the unit...
  6. J

    World Editor Freezes - Strange Problem

    Have you got all the updates from
  7. J

    How to add lightning attack to a hero?

    Just add it in the object editor. It probably only works if a unit is created with the ability already on it.
  8. J

    Cooldown Help Could This Be Easily Done The JASS Way?

    Not sure if I quite get the gist of your problem, but this might solve it: call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent( <your unit>, true, <ability id> ) Replace the bits in <>. That will make an ability remain on the hero when he morphs. Edit: Okay, I think I understand your problem fully now and no, there...
  9. J

    Is it possible to change art model file with JASS?

    It thought animations didn't play on attached models.
  10. J

    World Editor update bug?!?

    Some models were changed from RoC to TFT. Seige Tank and some others. If you have custom versions of those it can cause your map to change even though the models were included with a recent RoC patch.
  11. J

    pass local into timer and return

    Close enough that you can't tell the difference.
  12. J

    pass local into timer and return

    Cohadar is making a lot of jokes about his attachment system, ABC in case you're wondering.
  13. J

    is there a way to figure out what type a handle is?

    You can do this, but it's not worth it. function Handle2Timer takes handle h returns timer t return t endfunction Would convert it I think. To check what type it is, convert it and see if a native that normally takes that type has a valid return.
  14. J

    Optimizing a trigger (Mainly leaks)

    library TimerLib globals private timer array TIMERS private integer TIMERS_N = 0 endglobals function NewTimer takes nothing returns timer if (TIMERS_N==0) then return CreateTimer() endif set TIMERS_N = TIMERS_N - 1 return TIMERS[TIMERS_N]...
  15. J

    function Help

    Maybe one of your variables doesn't exist. Does it give you that error during vJass or during pJass processing? Can't get to wc3campaigns right now for some reason, but I'm going to say probably if your asking the question at all. If your doing the loop FirstOfGroup() endloop thing then yes.