Recent content by Kike

  1. Kike

    Defend skill, how to detect it?

    Hello everybody! Today I was trying to make a hero skill based on Footman's Defend, it should basically has two effects, reduce magic damage received and increses the Footman's armor, all the effects should only happen if the Hero is with Defend active, so, if he deactivates it, he losses his...
  2. Kike

    cone damage spell

    As Slapshot said, you can use a breath, carrion swarm or maybe shockwave... If what you want is actualy an "axe wave" I think the simplest soluction would be using the Fan of Knives missile, it's a cool dagger throw in cone shape but I don't know if it suits your needs.
  3. Kike

    cone damage spell

    Projectiles hits one person and "breaks" or pass through them hitting multiple enemys?
  4. Kike

    Global Sound Effect

    Perfect! Thanks again for helping me!
  5. Kike

    Global Sound Effect

    Hello every body! Today I was implementing my custom spell for a Hero based on the unit Mortar Team. I made a spell which has global range and wanted to make all players hear the sound MortarTeamReady1 (the one they shout when they're trained). Well... If you are really close to the shoot you...
  6. Kike

    Taunt is crashing my map!

    I really don't understand why you turn it off and on and it keep working but... it's fine now! :D Thanks!
  7. Kike

    Taunt is crashing my map!

    Hi everybody! I was trying to make a Taunt spell making the units around the caster ordered to attack the caster for a duration( the enemy can't stop attacking by ordering another action). I'm not so skilled at triggering so I searched for a similar spell in the web and found this one...
  8. Kike

    Life drain with no drain lol

    it's is starting to get confused here... look, I'm trying to make a spell that make damage over time and the caster needs to be chanelling it, as like the drain spell, but it doesnt give back the damage as health to the caster
  9. Kike

    Life drain with no drain lol

    Kaerf, your Idea sounds good, I will check if it works Kayoss, but like the drain spell I want it to do peridic dmg, this is the part that I can't do :/
  10. Kike

    Life drain with no drain lol

    Hi everybody :D as the title says I'm trying to make an ability, based on life drain, that does NOT give you hp. The problem is that our lovely "drain's" are full of bugs and if I put Data- hp drained = 0, it can't be used --', so... How can I do it via trigger guys? Thank you :3
  11. Kike

    pet ideas

    What about a slime pet that in each level you may choose something like this: Slime :3 a) slime makes a copy of himself(every thing equal and maybe if one die all them die) b) all slimes gain an slowing poison c) all slimes gain a corrosive poison aa) a new copy ab) they get b bonus...
  12. Kike

    Removing armor per attack? and AoE Silence ability?

    for the armour penalty try editing the corrupt orb ability ;) when you say AoE silence you mean a spell that you click on it and it works on surronding unit? if is this the case you can create a dummy unit, give him the silence an order him to cast in your casting unit, that way the area...
  13. Kike

    Spell Idea Request

    A great power for a dps ranged is creating a ability based on the firelord's incinarate combined with some spells that make a surge in atk speed... sounds good to me :) Something like this: Consecutive shot: adds more damage for each shot you give on the same target. maybe 1/2/3/4... depends on...
  14. Kike

    Help with triggered Death Coil

    I'm at the Arithmetic section.... there isn't there, I used it when setting variebles but i don't know why, this time it isn't working :c can someone upload a map only with this function for me?